❄️ Snowflakes Thread (whigger warning)

You’re not really a parent if you can’t skip over a questionable phrase or two in a Dahl or Blyton book

The game’s gone. Sensitivity readers.

“Sensitivity readers” sweet jesus. They’ll be coming for Atticus Finch soon

The sensitivity readers must be an awful size as they seem very sensitive to descriptions based on overuse of the cookie jar.

In the tiger who came for tea he drinks all of Daddys beer. I find that line particularly upsetting

Is it the lack of the apostrophe suggesting two Daddies?

Making the oompa loompas gender neutral is a great victory for the men’s right movement. Oompa loompas being exclusively male was a way of emasculating men, much like that photograph on the cover of Vogue of Rihanna looking powerful and in control with her beta male partner behind her cradling a child emasculates men. Men will no longer tolerate being emasculated. Nein!

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Women who over did the fake tan were regularly referred to as Oompa Loompas in the distant land of the early 2000s.

Pee Flynn must have objected to the 2001 text.

Immortalised by the early Ross O’Carroll-Kelly books.

That’s a decent impression of how my right eye sees something compared to my left eye.


The Limb Difference Community :joy:


A lot of the changes are harmless enough but the concept doesn’t sit well with me to be quite honest.

The book is of its time, the values within are reflective of its time. If those are so out of sync with current values, then let it die. But the fact is that this is most likely driven by greed rather than out of any real desire to do good.

I believe that altering an artist’s work without their agreement is wrong. Write your own book, don’t go messing with other people’s work.

Dahl probably did have a lot of very questionable views, but he was also a brilliant writer. It is possible for both of those statements to be true. In this situation, it’s not the “wokeness” or whatever that annoys me, I don’t give a fuck about that, but the censoring of an artist’s work after their death for you to benefit from financially- that’s wrong imo.


A sensitivity reading company sounds like a great business idea. Fair play to the chancer that thought of that one.
I’ve written to Grapevine Classics and demanded a rewrite…some of this stuff is quite offensive, deluxe or not:


Came across a copy of it recently in Easons in The Square, Tallaght. Very random. I’d never seen it before in any bookshop.

It was probably always there but you just weren’t in the right frame of mind to notice

They’ve a load of them in now. Flying off the shelves to the far right lads.

Certainly a tale of the unexpected