Social Media Outrage Log Thread

Got ya

You are a victim #youtoo

Edit: Actually victim is a taboo word now as well isn’t it? You’re a survivor.


His message to the lass that didn’t reply to his suggestion to meet up for coffee.

Is he a lecturer/tutor?

Thanks lads. Googled this chap. The way people were carrying on I thought he was one of the top dogs in the place, when in reality he’s a low level administrator in there.

The same thing is happening to him here now that lads are giving out about twitter

He probably posts here.

He was over all the social media and was involved in SU

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I think you’re struggling with the difference between an obscure internet forum that didnt name him and public stoning via Twitter.


Have you read Ben Elton book Identity crisis

What are you basing this off, the fact he’s a weirdo/borderline sex offender?

He is/was big on the ole twitter

He deleted this twitter it seems

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Yeah hes wiped himself off social media. Whether hes as bad as hes been described or not it’ll be hard on the fella, particularly as he has spoken about he mental health struggles before


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I hate this guy. Like, really hate him.

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A privileged few read this post before I edited it.

The story is gone now.


Unreal :grinning:.

That is some weird shit right there… :flushed:

Theres nowt as quare as folk.