Social Networking Sites

Bobby Sands was an Arsenal fan

Spot on. If sky sports tells dimwits that transfer deadline day or something someone said is vitally important to their lives enough times they will believe it.

Just like the Irish media, both local and national, do with rugby?

Absolutely. What I’ve learned is that all our young players are tyros and they are all going to be world class.

[quote=“scumpot, post: 891848, member: 182”]pathetic effort pal… even for you…totally taken out of context… how you can compare a pseudo name on a forum where everyone rips the piss out of each other with a Facebook profile ,which I have never had, is plain stupid…
your sexual frustration is palpable pal…[/quote]

You’re as bad as fooley now. Spot the jibe and dont take it so personally as you outline below.

I really really really hope Sky Sports News have a tracking device following Mohamad Salah’s plane today. Would be fucking epic TV to watch it approaching Britain, not knowing whether it was going to land at Liverpool or Heathrow. The destiny of the Barclays Premier League™ title would literally be up in the air.

I was in a pub a couple of months back and Bayern and Man City was on the box.

Man City came back from 2-0 down to win 3-2.

The Irish barman (a Man City fan) was roaring when Man City equalised and went ahead. Stuff like ‘The only team in Manchester!’ and ‘The true Mancs!’.

Of course it doesn’t help that he is one of the biggest pricks I ever encountered in my life.

[quote=“farmerinthecity, post: 891903, member: 24”]I was in a pub a couple of months back and Bayern and Man City was on the box.

Man City came back from 2-0 down to win 3-2.

The Irish barman (a Man City fan) was roaring when Man City equalised and went ahead. Stuff like ‘The only team in Manchester!’ and ‘The true Mancs!’.

Of course it doesn’t help that he is one of the biggest pricks I ever encountered in my life.[/quote]

Name and shame the pub…

Good riddance!

like an infectious disease but we are slowly becoming immune to its attractions, and the platform will be largely abandoned by 2017, say researchers atPrinceton University.

The forecast of Facebook’s impending doom was made by comparing the growth curve of epidemics to those of online social networks. Scientists argue that, like bubonic plague, Facebook will eventually die out.

The social network, which celebrates its 10th birthday last February , has survived longer than rivals such as Myspace and Bebo, but the Princeton forecast says it will lose 80 per cent of its peak user base within the next three years.

John Cannarella[/URL] and [URL=‘’]Joshua Spechler[/URL], from the US university’s mechanical and aerospace engineering department, have based their prediction on the number of times Facebook is typed into [URL=‘’]Google as a search term. The charts produced by the Google Trends service show Facebook searches peaked in December 2012 and have since begun to trail off.

“Ideas, like diseases, have been shown to spread infectiously between people before eventually dying out, and have been successfully described with epidemiological models,” the authors claim in a paper entitled Epidemiological modelling of online social network dynamics.

“Ideas are spread through communicative contact between different people who share ideas with each other. Idea manifesters ultimately lose interest with the idea and no longer manifest the idea, which can be thought of as the gain of ‘immunity’ to the idea.”

Facebook reported nearly 1.2 billion monthly active users in October, and is due to update investors on its traffic numbers at the end of the month. While desktop traffic to its websites has indeed been falling, this is at least in part due to the fact that many people now only access the network via their mobile phones.

For their study, Cannarella and Spechler used what is known as the SIR (susceptible, infected, recovered) model of disease, which creates equations to map the spread and recovery of epidemics.

They tested various equations against the lifespan of Myspace, before applying them to Facebook. Myspace was founded in 2003 and reached its peak in 2007 with 300 million registered users, before falling out of use by 2011. Purchased by Rupert Murdoch’sNews Corp for $580 million, Myspace signed a $900 million deal with Google in 2006 to sell its advertising space and was at one point valued at $12 billion. It was eventually sold by News Corp for just $35 million.

The 870 million people using Facebook via their smartphones each month could explain the drop in Google searches – those looking to log on are no longer doing so by typing the word Facebook into Google.

But Facebook’s chief financial officer David Ebersman admitted on an earnings call with analysts that during the previous three months: “We did see a decrease in daily users, specifically among younger teens.”

Investors do not appear to be heading for the exit just yet. Facebook’s share price reached record highs this month, valuing founder Mark Zuckerberg’s company at $142 billion.

[quote=“Horsebox, post: 891908, member: 1537”]
Investors do not appear to be heading for the exit just yet. Facebook’s share price reached record highs this month, valuing founder Mark Zuckerberg’s company at $142 billion.[/quote]

Facebook profit was 1.9bn in 2013. Hedging risk by buying instagram and trying to buy snapchat

Depends on if it can shut down a competitor or buy it before it ultimately threatens it. It is an amazing valuation and allows those who can cash out generation changing wealth

We should put our heads together on here to come up with the perfect social networking site and then launch it through a fund it programme where all users own it. Some might call it a pyramid scheme we will call the site Pyramid

[quote=“TheUlteriorMotive, post: 891918, member: 2272”]Facebook profit was 1.9bn in 2013. Hedging risk by buying instagram and trying to buy snapchat

Depends on if it can shut down a competitor or buy it before it ultimately threatens it. It is an amazing valuation and allows those who can cash out generation changing wealth

We should put our heads together on here to come up with the perfect social networking site and then launch it through a fund it programme where all users own it. Some might call it a pyramid scheme we will call the site Pyramid[/quote]

I’m in. I know 3 friends who I can refer too.

All we need to be is successful enough to appear on Facebook’s horizon. They will then buy us. We will never sell advertising under our watch because all we need are users.

Name of Site - or some variation
We will buy the rights to Walk Like an Egyptian by the Bangles as our company song.
Every user who signs up owns a block. When sold the number of blocks is counted and the purchase price divided amongst all the users. Purchase price less licensing fees that we will hold in a separate company. They will be 90% of the value so we are giving away 10%.


[quote=“TheUlteriorMotive, post: 891921, member: 2272”]All we need to be is successful enough to appear on Facebook’s horizon. They will then buy us. We will never sell advertising under our watch because all we need are users.

Name of Site - or some variation
We will buy the rights to Walk Like an Egyptian by the Bangles as our company song.
Every user who signs up owns a block. When sold the number of blocks is counted and the purchase price divided amongst all the users. Purchase price less licensing fees that we will hold in a separate company. They will be 90% of the value so we are giving away 10%.[/quote]
Could we set up a game called “pyramidville”, where your end goal is to build pyramids for the Pharohs in ancient Egypt? You get to hunt down jews to make as your slaves, you can trade different types of jew to other users, for example, you may need a stonessmith, while your friend may need a roller maker, so you send requests for them on the site. If you get bored sending requests, we can simply give you the option to buy jews to do the jobs you need them to do to get your pyramids built.

It can’t fail.

It’s Compu-Global-Hyper-Mega-Net

Buy him out boys!!

“Junior Vice President, @The Dunph speaking”

OK - I am CEO and Founder Number 1
Whoever wants to be Number 2 needs to bring 2 users

[quote=“myboyblue, post: 891924, member: 180”]Could we set up a game called “pyramidville”, where your end goal is to build pyramids for the Pharohs in ancient Egypt? You get to hunt down jews to make as your slaves, you can trade different types of jew to other users, for example, you may need a stonessmith, while your friend may need a roller maker, so you send requests for them on the site. If you get bored sending requests, we can simply give you the option to buy jews to do the jobs you need them to do to get your pyramids built.

It can’t fail.[/quote]
It is not actually ancient Egypt. That sort of stuff killed Mel Gibson’s career. We need to tread carefully as a start up. I will be holding a news conference later to distance myself from and will be launching