Social Networking Sites

Has anyone replied with ‘that never happened’?

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How can I get my view count on LinkedIn up this week?

  1. Lie about giving a homeless person a job
  2. Lie about a recruitment call I never took
  3. Post a nondescript picture of an office interior
  4. Ask a question I have no particular interest in but know it’s divisive
  5. Complain about some messages I received, even though I could have just ignored it
  6. Take out a few items, lay them on my desk, take a picture and call it “new starter” kit.
  7. Say something wrong about my industry and have my peers agree/disagree

8)Format my
post like
this so
people can read
it when scrolling on
their mobile

  1. Say something about experience vs attitude and make some weird percentage comparison
  2. Post a picture of a tap in a maze of bowls underneath and ask which bowl would fill first as if anyone cares.

A particularly high level of scutter on linkedin tonight. One lad is particularly prominent but I won’t name him incase he gets anymore traffic as a result.


I stumbled across that GAA Programme Collector page this evening and have spent the last hour going through random programmes.

Was at many of the Wexford games featured. The PRO in those days did a fantastic job (cc @Bandage) compared to some of the shite that’s served up these days.

Send me a WhatsApp or PM about this please, mate.

Yeah saw that page a few weeks ago. It’s very good in fairness too him. Very complimentary of those wexford programs

Humanity is fucked.

@HBV is adopting flashers rights as his new cause :clap:


That’s a terrible ordeal you endured Jen. Oh, and there’s a link to purchase your book. :blush:


more apt in the social networking sites maybe…

but just saw about that @glasnevinexpose twitter account. that is someone with a fairly big axe to grind.

non stop about how the HR manager was shafted and sexism and all the rest. I’d say they know well who it is, even reading through their tweets I’d say anyone with any bit of knowledge of the area or set up there would know.

I already made a very witty pun about this in the gangland thread.

ah sure go ahead here too, you might even get 2 nice post badges for the same quip

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I’m not in the habit of repeating myself

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Is this just not like that RTE expose account?


Why not?

will I draw you a picture?

did you open that twitter account?

Its a random person who got sacked who is taking swipes at them over being sacked with no substantiation of fact or giving any sort of info, other than the HR manager was screwed over.

The RTE account is someone working in RTE exposing actual secrets and things going on throughout the organisation.