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Some craic when he meets Marty

Anyone else get the Whatsapp regarding Barry Keane? :rofl::rofl:

Who’s Barry Keane?

Barry Keane was sent a rather explicit picture from a bird he was with. Barry then sent the picture to his buddies thinking he was great.

The bird in question found out and then proceeded to distribute a picture of Barry which does him no favours.

Barry then loses the plot and sends a load of abusive voice messages…

Who is Barry Keane? Just some random lad?

Aye, who dafuq is Barry Keane

Is it Barry John?

A lad in my year in school. Got me a ticket for the Prodigy at the Point Depot in December 1996. Nice fella.

Was yerwan hot?

He’s already had a hair transplant

Is this lad a gangster or what?

He has no idea of the going rate for a gangland hit by the sound of it, so unlikely. He’s more of a camp puff daddy traveller youtuber than a kinehan.


Who is Barry Keane?

Who is Barry Keane?

he didnt take it well

Anyone know who Barry Keane is?

The chap with the very small willy.

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Who claims to be owed 210k

He’s Barry Keane.

That’s his name.

His name is Barry Keane.