Social Networking Sites

What’s your username and password and I’ll give it a quick check?

Cool! It’s ‘Tyco Admin’ and ‘Tipp#26’

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should it not be tyco electronics admin and tipp26*

All there in its full form. Just needs credit card details to re-engage. You can PM me those, wouldn’t know what the scurillous bastards around here would do with such information.

No wonder I couldn’t log in. When you do many it’s hard to keep them in order.

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No child’s first word should be “chemotherapy”.

Hopefully the beginning of the end for bookface

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Or end of the media

For a small fee I’ll tell you if your data is public :crazy_face:




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Anyone caught in the Facebook data breach? Seems like some clusterfuck.

How do you check?

Enter your email and/or number here >

Use the international format 35387 etc

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Looks like I dodged this one. :grinning:

One of my emails has be pwned 5 times :fearful: what do I now? Change my password on every account from keady89?

Probably a good idea.

If your email appears it just means it was taken from a data breach and published on the web somewhere. They might have passwords depending on where they got the email.

If you scroll down (after you’ve submitted the email) you should see what breaches it was involved in.


I’ve been breached eeeeeeeekkkkkkk

A leak from Canva. I don’t even know WTF Canva is

Canva ia a gamechanger

Words with friends got me at one stage and my fitness pal monged me several times. Carrying extra weight really is hazardous.

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I have an aids email as well that I use for shit I don’t trust. Only 3 times PWN’d thought it’d be worse