Social Networking Sites

That’s me telt. cc @Spidey

Drom :roll_eyes:

The subjects making that mistake will be first against the wall

The twitter mob are after this lad now.

He’ll absolutely love that.

What over?

Paul seems to be blaming PUP for not being able to hire staff. The fact that he’s a PRICK is more likely the reason.


Some lads just don’t want to do a bit of work

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I had to deal with him once. He has his issues. He’s like a pound shop bully.

He’s an arsehole…


Good thread over on Tattle about him too


Why would anybody be looking for a reason to dislike somebody?

I just saw a Happy Father’s Day Dad post on the book by a wan whose elderly father has dementia is in a care home. The poor man was never on Facebook even before the dementia.

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Isnt the Dementia hereditary?

In some cases, yes. There was a woodwork teacher in the CBS in Nenagh who got it very young. I believe he was to youngest man ever to be diagnosed with it in Ireland. the previous holder of the record was his father. Himself and his brother both died fierce young with it.

I reckon yer wan has it.