Social Networking Sites

I will be very disappointed in Rintintin if he proceeds with this.

The one thing that makes that statement ok is that they refer to is as a ride as opposed to the ride.


A former work colleague, that I don’t necessarily know that well, is friends with me on Facebook.

I see this morning where she has commented on her friend’s picture of him with his new born baby.

The title of the picture is ‘Munster’s biggest fan’ and there is the poor kid donned out in the entire Munster kit and him only a couple of months old. He is also holding a rugby ball. The Dad is in the picture also with a Munster jersey.

People like that shouldn’t be allowed to raise kids.

Not sure thats a justifiable reason for taking someones child away, I’d be more of the opinion that being a drugged out deadbeat who engages and glorifies football hooliganism would be a better reason surely?

Speaking of Social Networking Sites, recently I’ve been seeing bints who are posting up things like “on the stairs” and “on the kitchen table”. Now I realise there is no way this is what I suspect it to be so does anyone know exactly what the deal is?

I’m pretty certain the Munster gear is worse than your example, MBB.

Just shows they have more money than sense Bandage, doesnt mean they’re bad parents. Did Farmer not mention before something about his brothers kid and some ridiculous rugby carry on also?

NCC is it? Ya, way worse, obviously to any sane human being. :rolleyes:

I don’t know NCC from adam, I was just pointing out a random example of a perceived bad parent.

Oh i thought you were going on what he has told us about on here, thats all.

[color="#FFFFFF"]I don’t believe NCC is half as bad the parent as he lets on, i’m sure he’s fantastic.

You couldnt believe half of what lads say on here, shur Dunph claimed you have 200 acres, KIB claimed to be a loss for the Senior side, and NCC claims to go to LOI games. Shur tis all a bit of gallery really.

200 acres though, :lol:

It’s true, he has even wrote a few poems on growing up on the farm:

Oh stoney grey soil of Tour,
You robbed my youth you whore,
All the fun and joy you thieved
I got the blame when our ewe conceived…


Who is it Farmer? Disgusting behavior, between this and that Roscommon case you’d really have to wonder what it’s all about.

Munster Rugby Ltd fans have to wrap themselves in their jerseys to try to concoct some sort of faux heritage for themselves. They are just a target market.

I’ve touched on this in the past SS**. Its a wonderfully created market by the Provincial Rugby Marketers (of which Munster were the forerunners and made a mint from it). I applaud them for creating a few pound for themselves, the shite that comes along with it is a little nauseating, but no worse than the shite that is going on in Limerick GAA at the moment thats for sure.

im board, some1 give me something fun to do…


im board, some1 give me something fun to do…

ah here…someone should give them a shovel to the head. we’ll see how bored they are now.

A lad I’m friends with on Facebook has just got engaged. The stuff he’s been writing on his his status updates over the last week has been nothing short of epic in terms of cringe factor. At first I thought the messages he was posting were a wind up but it seems not.
Anyway he posted this up yesterday:

hcgvgvgvhgvhgv “is studying beside his wife-to-be. I could sit here looking at her all day… Why oh why was she made so beautifully? - I’ll get nothing done! Ha! Ha! Ha! Blessings to all my friends. I pray you are all well!”

Holy shit.
