Social Networking Sites

I’m seriously disillusioned with Runt after this. The one fucker i thought i could trust, outside of Art and Watchyourtoes of course.

Someone on here thought they were being right clever a while back. Well it has come back to bite them now and I make no apologies for it.

[quote=“The Runt, post: 66788”]
Someone on here thought they were being right clever a while back. Well it has come back to bite them now and I make no apologies for it.
[/quote] :unsure: Who the fuck are we talking about here? what did they do to drive you to such extremes piss on your hush puppies? :o

thats low, even for you runt.

What’s going on here, ladies and gentlemen? I can’t access Facebook in work - I hope Runty’s not revealing someone’s identity or something…

Its seems he has. Very poor form.

By the way lads, this site will let you into any site you want.

Any IT guy worth his salt will have that blocked. B)

[quote=“The Runt, post: 66794”]
Any IT guy worth his salt will have that blocked. B)
[/quote]Runt if you have indeed displayed the identity of one of our esteemed members then i for one call for an official TFK trial by your peers.

whats this all about then!!!

Eircom don’t, thats all i give a fuck about. And if they do there is a thousand more of them out there.

The Runt has gone nuclear here…

Indeed the Runt is trying for his own final solution here.A trial must be had.

Very poor form from Runt to give away a forum member’s identity here.

hmmmmm? whats all this then?

This is not good

The worst thing about it is that this person is more than likely at work and has no knowledge of their identity being revealed.

:popcorn: :popcorn:

I’d expect this from a simpleton like Dunph, but I expected more from The Runt.

People will think twice about crossing me in future.
Let this be lesson to you all(especially the young upstarts like WatchYourToes).