Social Networking Sites

Runt your some cunt!!! This is unacceptable.

The person in question will be seething.

If he survives this, the days of the runt being treated like an inane simpleton are over.

What did the individual in question do to you to merit such punishment Runt?

[quote=“The Runt, post: 66806”]
People will think twice about crossing me in future.
Let this be lesson to you all(especially the young upstarts like WatchYourToes).
[/quote] :rolleyes: PLEASE ,you just fucked yourself over around here. :lol:

jaysus runt im not round here long but thats awful form… hes gonna be seething… bad cunt

Fuck sake Runty that is very bad form.
The poor lad.
Livid he’ll be… Livid.
Kevving actually.


How many simpletons do you know that are millionares??

subway points dunph?

Nah, Zimbabwe dollars.

i have to say ive new found respect for Runt for this - a brave mood but a dangerous precedent - if it was done to me Id be seething

I can’t see this in work but I’m presuming it’s not my facebook. I don’t think I did anything to upset the runt.


I see the victim is now online…this should be good…

i have been sitting here in quiet seethingness for the last hour

absolute cuntishness by the runt, proving beyond a doubt that he is not to be trusted :angry: :angry: :angry:

Aha, I knew that fucker was Foley. It had to be

[quote=“artfoley, post: 66819”]
i have been sitting here in quiet seethingness for the last hour

absolute cuntishness by the runt, proving beyond a doubt that he is not to be trusted :angry: :angry: :angry:
[/quote]Fuckin Art! i thought it was Mac,this is a disgrace,Runt you fiend.

Don’t let Fooleys cry for help fool ye lads, its not him.

huh ?

not me fran

just so angry at the runt breaking the basics of forum etiquette, and with someone who is supposedly close to

My mistake, sorry art. I had it whittled down to a few


Ah lovely, Runt.

Different Gravy !