Social Networking Sites

***** **** joined the group The feeling of shock you get when men say something remotely intelligent.

**** being an absolute thick of a bird I am friends with on facebook.
It is very hard to resist the urge to post something abusive underneath it.

Go with something primitive and childish like “Yeah, and you’re ugly”

This Facebook Group thing has gotten completely out of hand. Every day you see people joining umpteeth fucking groups. I blame that cunt Thierry Henry, its gone postal since that handball.

Saying that, I must admit one of the better ones I’ve seen lately is

“that awkward feeling when a woman walks into a room without bringing a sandwich for you”


Those groups are generally utter bollox. Fair enough if it’s an actual interest like a group about a team or something or if it’s some way witty but most of them are absolutely dire.

The brother of a sometime poster on here has just joined the following group

“Rent a room just off Camden St”

Runt, i just read this thread now and i must say im pretty disappointed, id expect this out of a small penised psycho like kev or MBB who actually do research in their own personal time to find out the true identity of posters on here which is a bit eeire TBH but not a decent sort like yourself,
time to take a step back from the brink man…

I’ll be joining that group



what can I say, I find you irksome and thought I’d take you down a peg or two.

no, not me

im just shocked at the lack of respect for another forum memeber , thats all
there should be a certain line one cannot cross on a forum , its not anfear rua, for once i agree with Fooley on something


Blah blah blah


me irksome??


Ah lovely…

Why’d ya edit that mbb? it’s not like micheal doesn’t give you enough abuse.

how could you runt?
all those tips i gave you thru PMs?

Ya but one of them lost.
That ain’t good enough.

he knows he needs to be careful here, this thread is going to take a few twists before the day is out…


Nom nom nom…

im taking this to PMs you bastard, i will find you