Social Networking Sites

i fookin hate facebook !! fookin tossers trying to create an image for themselves…cunts that are bald with a picture of them wearing
a cap and when the were 2 stone lighter…pastey plucked turkey skin women putting up their picture the week after
they return from theirsun holidays…some steamer u went to school with who you thought would die
a virgin has a picture of himself with his son…fuck off u cunt…who do these no mark cunts think they are fooling???..


An enjoyable rant indeed.

Thinly veiled no one would accept my friend request from scumpot here.

:lol: :lol:

briantinnion likes this

Tinnion, while you are here, who made the friend request between you and your girlfiriend?

It’s a big step.

Farmer - I never make any moves on chicks, they tend to come to me.

ah that’s great news. Congrats Brian. What does she have under religious views as a matter of interest?

I was left a very saucy PM from a woman unknown to me on Facebook earlier…

Do tell us more.

Sounds like a Spammer.

Was it the girl I set up for you on Saturday night :lol:

She described me as being “extremely” hot and that she would like for me to pm her back to converse with her. I was assured it was not a ball-hop…

Did CLG find out your true identity?
I fucking knew you would wear her down.

I would hope so. I’ve waiting for some time for her to ask me out…

i just couldnt wait any longer…

:clap: :clap:

What is with these fucko’s, another thing. What’s with all these stupid nerds changing their names or just the spelling of their name to seem “cool”, Adosy bint I sat beside in school has changed the spelling of her name from Aoife to Efa, yea now I don’t remember you as the frog like creature from 6th class at all :rolleyes:

I believe you christened her “slug mutt”

Great shout, Rintintin. I knew a dope back in the Bebo days who was called James but was going by Jaime to appear all Spanish and stuff. What a tard.