Social Networking Sites

What makes you think there was a bird involved?

I know a certain latte buying Residence attending member of this forum who was unable to play tonight’s astro match at 9.30 pm due to work commitments, despite the fact that he started work at 9am this morning. He’d need to sort that out fairly lively.

That would seem to be a rather weak retort Farmer. Tinnion has the clear lead here.

I’ll bow to your superior kmowledge of the whole situation MBB.

The honourable thing to do in the situation.

why are you introducing that to this argument? I was actually in at 7am, now you get your facts straight.

Nothing wrong with having a strong work ethic, too many people think this country owes them a living.

Are there any jobs going in your place brian??

there are a management level I believe Dunph. Flexible hours, great working environment, exciting work.

Farmer gets an upset tummy if he has to work too hard.

Farmer is a big softie

I’ll take it.

PM me on the details - when i start, salary, perks etc…

Ah tremendous Brian, the future of this country depends on the likes of you. Keep up the good work and don’t let the fuckers drag you down.

Facebook died for me yesterday after I got a friend request from my 65 year old technophobe mother.

Link please?

Just saw an update for some clown on Facebook which states;

‘Attaboy Enda. Us Connacht men are made of tough stuff!!’

Was it for this?

Recent facebook update from a girl i know.

girl: i’ve gone back to brown, dyed my hair this morning.

Fella replies: hat or scarf?

Girl replies: Have you ever seen grass on a busy road?

:o :lol:

Just after seeing this now.


Is your wan any use FOF?

As an aside Jugs has joined a Plumbing and Heating Service group because he has no other friends.

indeed she is. she’s been around though… just how i like em.

Ah lovely.


Never have known a girl to have a bit of wit and self deprecation.

perhaps you would enjoy this one for being, blonde (formerly), dim and slutty and best of all, being proud of all that.

A ‘friend’ of mine on Facebook has set up an event and invited people to drinks for his 29th birthday this weekend. What kind of fucking retard gives a shit about their birthday after the age of around 10? It’s been up for over a week and it has 6 confirmed attendees, including himself.