Social Networking Sites

It was Jugs’ birthday yesterday and I notice someone responded to his status update thanking everyone for their birthday wishes with a ‘Happy Birthday Ginger!!’. Upon further investigation it appears that this lady is one of the foreign waitresses in a bar Jugs frequents a bit. She is also friends with Bandage.

Fair play to her - at least she has a bit of flanter about her.

For the information of the forum, farmer has posted that from the comfort of a toilet seat.

I’ve just checked that Farmer, she added me as a friend a couple of days ago and I hadn’t got a clue who she was, thought it was somebody I had been chatting with at the wedding in Madrid perhaps. She must have thought I was another member of that group who shares a Christian name with me.

I’ve definitely never met her anyway as I’m not in the clique and never get invited for pints.

Yeah - she definitely doesn’t know you anyway as you’re not part of the gang.

She knows me by my Christian name alright but I wonder if she knows how to spell it. This is the only reason I can think of as to why I have not yet got a friend invitation.

Bandage’s sister has just got in on the action and posted ‘I love you Jugs’.

He is some man in fairness.

I see some utter retard has set up the Facebook group, The greatest hurling team in history: Kilkenny 2006-2009.

Over 2,000 simpletons have joined in the last couple of days.

Facebook Group of the Week according to Independant today.

“I went to a private school and therefore I am better than you.”

9,000 members

A friend of mine on Facebook is growing a moustache for Movember.

He has day by day updates:

Day 1 - here’s a picture of my moustache which is non existant
Day 2 - here’s a picture of a little growth of hair

and so on.


I have my handlebar mustache back.
Not doing Movember though.

Fuck charity.

Pops all over the place at me recently.

That’s the last time I enquire about your health and general well being.

I’m doing it and regretting it… have the handle bars going and cant wait to get rid of the thing. Think I will just collect what I am owed and shave it off and fuck the cunts.

11/11/2010 - 14:33:20
Social networkers have a new tool to prevent them from posting ill-advised late-night messages on sites like Facebook and Twitter.

The Social Media Sobriety Test from US-based Webroot Software requires users to perform a series of online co-ordination tests before allowing them to post potentially regrettable messages or photos.

Users of networks including MySpace, Flickr and YouTube will be able to protect themselves with the tool by choosing which sites to block and selecting the hours they consider themselves most at risk from drunken decisions.

Access to the sites during these hours will require the user passing a randomly-selected sobriety test such as dragging the mouse in a straight line or typing the alphabet backwards.

The website reads: “Nothing good happens online after 1am,” and promises to “put an end to the embarrassment that follows regrettable, late-night posts with three easy steps”.

Google also offers a tool for its Gmail service designed to prevent users from sending drunken emails.

Mail Goggles forces users to solve five simple maths problems in less than a minute in order to send a late-night message.

Anyone else think Facebook is gone shit. The majority of ‘friends’ on mine are on hide these days, sick of retarded daily updates. Less women posting up bikini pics and perving has become more difficult too.

I also find it a bit weird when friends of my younger siblings add me despite in many cases I wouldn’t have a clue who they are. A few of my mothers friends have also joined and like to give her updates on how her sons are getting on.

There is an option letting you decline the invitation. :rolleyes:

[quote=“KIB man, post: 67041”]
Anyone else think Facebook is gone shit. [/quote]
Gone shit?

I knew that post of KIBs would contain something designed to put himself in a positive light.

‘My younger sibling’s mates think I’m cool even though I haven’t a clue who they are’

Why he needs to share this on a forum I don’t know.

Yeah have done that. Most just ask again. You don’t really want to be insulting anyone either.

I knew the right wing FF/GGA/catholic church/bar stool
republican wing would be up in arms about it. Farmer I’m cooler than you - stop getting upset about it.

You a Bebo man? Ha

Yeah I think I might get rid altogether. Handy for seeing pics of weddings or friends in far away places

Tinnion, while you’re online and seeing enough time has now passed and you’ve even embarked on a new loving relationship with another lady…

What is the fooking story with your ex’s status updates on Facebook?

Just now:

Met lots of bright young things tonight when giving my careers talk-the future is looking good-so much talent, ambition & passion out there.

She seems to post up every single banal thought that goes through her head.