Social Networking Sites

I put her on ignore ages ago.

Christ some of the shite on there - what was worst was some of the responses to the status updates. From blokes as well.

Fucking hell.

I have no comment to make at this time.

Facebook jumped the shark a long time ago, a cynical corporation that is not to be trusted.

Christ - they’re reading this.

does TFK have a facebook page?
that would be a great way for us all get to know each other,
Bandage, will you add me if i send a friend request?

Chocolatemice dislikes this

I’m going to create the worlds first unsocial networking site.

Thats a fantastic idea Flano you know, really think it could work.

Cheers bro. They way it would work is when you sign everyone is automatically added to your friends list and you have to delete everyone off it by means of an interactive hunting stlye game.


There is certainly a market for this, first to have no friends is the winner.

From a male facebook “friend” of mine

u did us proud mary, i just don’t know how they could put true a cry baby.

Jesus, he needs the gay kicked out of him

Rintintin. :rolleyes:

I’m not sure which is more offensive here - the sentiment that this guy is attempting to express, or the absolute abuse of the English language.

It’s horrendous on so many levels

Good Lord - just read this status update from one of my ‘friends’ on Facebook:

A child said to his mom, “Mommy, I colored your sheets with lipstick!” In anger she started to hit her child until he was unconscious. Then, she regretted what she had done, and crying said to her child, “Please open your eyes!” But it was too late, his tiny heart had stopped beating. When she walked into her bedroom, the sheet said “I LOVE YOU MOMMY”. Copy and paste this for 1 hour if you’re against child abuse.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Thats fucking hilarious :lol:

Tiny heart? That’s a serious medical condition that should have been looked at in the early stages.

27/05/2011 - 18:28:54
JP McManus to take court action against Facebook

Multi-millionaire businessman and race horse owner JP McManus is to bring High Court proceedings against Facebook over the social networking website’s alleged failure to take down a number of profiles purporting to be the Co Limerick native.

Today lawyers acting for Mr McManus, known for his sporting interests and charity work, served notice to the High Court to bring proceedings against Facebook Ireland due to their alleged failure to take down three identified Facebook sites.

It is understood that the Facebook profiles at the centre of the proceedings state they are “JP McManus” and contain photos of him. The social networking sevice and website has more than 600 million users worldwide.

Ms Justice Mary Laffoy granted Mr McManus short service, on an ex parte basis, to bring a motion seeking injunctions restraining Facebook from maintaining, facilitating or publishing the Facebook accounts and to take steps to close down and remove the Facebook Accounts identified.

In his proceedings Mr McManus (aged 60) is also seeking declarations including that the Facebook’s alleged failure to remove the accounts identified is an unlawful breach of his constitutional rights protected by Article 40 of the Constitution.

He is also seeking a declaration from the court that the continued processing of personal data by maintaining the sites is a breach of the 1988 Data Protection Acts.

In addition, Mr McManus is also seeking damages for defamation, malicious falsehood, fraudulent misrepresentation, negligence and and breaches of his Constitutional Rights.

Moving the application Paul Gallagher SC for Mr McManus told the court that solicitors acting on behalf of his client had corresponded with Facebook in an attempt to have the particular Facebook sites identified taken down.

Counsel said that his client’s representatives had gone through the appropriate channels and followed all the various steps asked of them in order to have the sites identified shut down.

However, earlier this month Mr McManus’s lawyers got to a point where they were informed by Facebook to go back to the start of the process. As a result the profiles remained in being and his client wished to bring an injunction compelling Facebook to take action.

The Judge made the matter returnable to Monday.

Read more:

Go get em JP, Fuck Zuckerberg


Embarrassing stuff from McAnus here, surprised he didn’t try and send his cronies round to rough them up like he normally does.
