Social Networking Sites

one of my mates put this up fb

A good friend wants to go to the dogs for his stag but being vegan I don’t support the enslavement of animals for human pleasure or entertainment. However we’ve been friends since we were like eight… what to do!?

Unless he’s from California the use of the word ‘like’ before the word eight means this lad and anyone friends with him is a cunt. Either get a whole new set of ‘mates’ and start fresh or kill yourself.

I was talking to my sister there who is in America and this came up in conversation…

Her boss was acting a bit weird around her for a while and when she started sussing out what was up a girl at work with her confessed that the boss had confided in her that my sister had “deleted” her from her friends list on facebook. The boss was a bit put out about it seemingly but my sister said she never had her on her friends list in the first place.

It was getting a bit awkward so the sister brought it up one day in a joky sort of way, saying “sure you were never in my friends list to start with”. “No i definitely was”, says the boss. My sister, laughing “no seriously you weren’t”. “I was on your friends list. Remember that day i was talking about facebook friends, that was the day i requested to be your friend. You accepted me, but you then deleted me.”, she continued. “Anyway, sure you can accept me now”.

So now the sister is friends with this pyscho on facebook and the next thing your one’s mother (who she has never met) wants to be friends with her as well. :lol:

It’s almost the same shite here, senior managers I work with have sent me friend requests, I havnt accepted or declined as I’m not sure what to make of it. There’s a handful of dodgy photos from nights out and stuff that I’d rather my colleagues never saw.

I hope there are no photos of you holding onto the walls in the icon that night…

[quote=“The Dunph, post: 67192”]

I hope there are no photos of you holding onto the walls in the icon that night…[/quote]

Sent from my GT-I9100 using TFK App

[quote=“Titch, post: 67193”]

Sent from my GT-I9100 using TFK App[/quote]

Sent from my GT-I9100 using TFK App

Good point, well made.

A mate of mine is a teacher in Manchester. He was telling me about this teacher who sent out friend requests to the other teachers and they accepted. When they were talking about Facebook together a few weeks later they mentioned to him that he didn’t post much etc. He told them that he didn’t have a Facebook page.

One of the kids in the school had created one as him and friended all the teachers. Jackpot.

I’ve have since heard this happen a few more times.

Facebook is for teenagers and needy fuckers. Delete your account and you won’t have the problem of mentally deranged bosses seeing what’s going on in your life.

Read it earlier… :lol:

It’s worth struggling through reading the initial post

Sounds like a great night was had by all. :clap:

Were you involved?

Can somebody translate that fucking garbage.

A Facebook friend status update today:

“Ah Kate and William are pregnant! That’s nice”

Its Catherine.

That’s true but I note that references to a “Harry” have been made on another thread. That’s equally disrespectful to Prince Henry.

Very true, but there is no need to stoop to the commoners vernacular.