Social Networking Sites

People are weird. This status update has appeared on my Facebook newsfeed:

"As many of ye kno the whole engagement / relationship is over however im happy to announce that in july im goin to be a daddy for the 2nd time so at least something good has come out of the whole thing :slight_smile: "

why do you have a fookin account if you have problem with the garbage on it u idiot?..

Chill out, pal. There’s some good, some bad, some indifferent.

Congrats Scumpot. Hope ye get back together too.

:lol: :lol:
don´t have a facebook or twitter account…if i lived abroad i might have one to keep in touch with mates…

its for narcisstic pigs…trying to create a false image of themselves…be careful pal before you get sucked in…

Is it alright to have an account if you live in Ireland and you have mates who live abroad, mate?


only if you are disciplined and can limit your facebook friends to those who are abroad…not some turnip u hated in school who now wants to be facebook friends even though u don´t talk to him when you see him in the local pub…skype and email are better options for your pals abroad…be careful pal…

Completely. Especially from a lad with nearly 5,000 posts on an internet message board :lol:

Facebook is getting sadder and sadder. The new trends on bookface appear to be complaints to large multinational companies bookface pages, the if I get 1 million likes my girlfriend will let me get a puppy type pages and the share this for a chance to win…

The second one is gone to fuck altogether with attention seeking cunts all over the shop.
The first one is a potential minefield for companies.
The third one is understandable and seems to be becoming marketing 101.

Anyway is it possible to make any money off book face? Say if I setup an account with if I get a million likes my girlfriend will let me ride her up the arse or something. If you got your million likes is there anyway to make a few shekels off it or would you have to start selling stuff or something.

<img src=“” alt="9GwxC.jpg]

Julio, I think your three examples have covered nearly all the bases but there’s one further thing. This is the long tale/story that tugs at the heartstrings and has a meaningful message within it and a request at the end to ‘like’ it if you think we can all learn from it. You then have a load of girls/women liking these stories and clogging up timelines.

As for making money, I don’t know about that.

Facebook themselves are struggling to make money out of it so you’d find it hard to make money directly from Facebook but you could maybe make it indirectly.

Setup you Fanpage

Get your million likes

Then every few days / weeks, mix your “funny” post with links towards another website that you have optimised to make money, or even towards you tube videos, where you can make a few quid.

I’ll leave the hard work to you Runt while I just sit back and wait for the cash to roll in

just saw this on facebook

hi l would like to let you’s all know that you dont know all men i was married for 31 years and i never knew him did u ever c the film liar liar well thats wat i was living with a liar i should hav listen to my parents and family 20 years ago i stood with him trough tick and thin and discovered he was having a affair with my daughters so called friend behind my and my familys backs there only scum… thank god i hav a great son and daughter and their parteners my brothers sisters and grandchildren and loads of u friends thanks to everyone and the support and the lovely kind messages that ya all sent me thanks very much…xxxxxxxxxxxxxx


what kind of retard puts this on FB? Whatever about the revelations, the spelling and grammar are just appalling (well they’re from enniscorthy…)

[quote=“artfoley, post: 755173, member: 179”]just saw this on facebook

hi l would like to let you’s all know that you dont know all men i was married for 31 years and i never knew him did u ever c the film liar liar well thats wat i was living with a liar i should hav listen to my parents and family 20 years ago i stood with him trough tick and thin and discovered he was having a affair with my daughters so called friend behind my and my familys backs there only scum… thank god i hav a great son and daughter and their parteners my brothers sisters and grandchildren and loads of u friends thanks to everyone and the support and the lovely kind messages that ya all sent me thanks very much…xxxxxxxxxxxxxx


what kind of retard puts this on FB? Whatever about the revelations, the spelling and grammar are just appalling (well they’re from enniscorthy…)[/quote]

@Stephen Quest…

[quote=“artfoley, post: 755173, member: 179”]just saw this on facebook

hi l would like to let you’s all know that you dont know all men i was married for 31 years and i never knew him did u ever c the film liar liar well thats wat i was living with a liar i should hav listen to my parents and family 20 years ago i stood with him trough tick and thin and discovered he was having a affair with my daughters so called friend behind my and my familys backs there only scum… thank god i hav a great son and daughter and their parteners my brothers sisters and grandchildren and loads of u friends thanks to everyone and the support and the lovely kind messages that ya all sent me thanks very much…xxxxxxxxxxxxxx


what kind of retard puts this on FB? Whatever about the revelations, the spelling and grammar are just appalling (well they’re from enniscorthy…)[/quote]
What sort of age group are we talking here?

One of the girls here in work showed me a hilarious public conversation on facebook before. The daughter hadn’t asked the mother to the wedding and she posted on the daughters facebook fucking her out of it (under photos of said wedding). The daughter then tore into the mother telling her she was a terrible mother and listing all this mad shit that had been going on, people from all sides then were jumping in attacking either party. A riveting read I have to say. The public/private button in peoples brain is definately broken

That last line nails it perfectly, people just don’t fucking get it anymore, share, don’t scare. The absolute cuntfest that some people post on FB has spiraled out of control, the need to be complimented on every useless facet of their day is bizarre. As for those cunts who beatify their kids on it when we know the truth about what a little fucking demon your bastard spawn truly is never ceases to amaze me.