Social Networking Sites

Its time to delete your facebook account when shit like this starts to happen.

A mate just sent it to a group of friends on whatsapp…

What was your reply?

“Who wouldn’t be scared?” With the picture of Paulie in his schoolboy outfit that had been conveniently just posted in the lions thread.

You’re welcome mate :wink:

Been meaning to post these for a while but never got around to it. Anyway, they are all from the same bird, she’s not a Facebook friend of mine but she is of one of my mates and he passes these on to me as he knows the cunt drives me mental. All spelling and grammatical errors are hers.

Fuck this city. I am caught in a tundra with an umbrella - I see a dad and his baby daughter so I literally say “you can stand under my umbrella” he does so. Then 20 minutes later some ASSHOLE yells at me to “close my fucking umbrella and give it to him” when I tell him “Ummh no relax” he then tells me “shut the fuck up”. FOR EVERY GOOD DEED OR GOOD PERSON IN THIS CITY THERE ARE TWICE AS MANY SHITTY, EVIL, DISGUSTING HUMAN BEINGS. NEVER HATED NYC MORE THAN I DO RHIS VERY MOMENT.

If you hate New York get the fuck out. The abrasive attitude of they people that live there is part of what makes it unique and the best fucking city in the world.

Ordering breakfast the young woman ahead of was mentally challenged and didn’t have enough to cover it, neither did her attendant. I picked up the rest of the tab. Point is we all complain about a lot of dumb shit, but I am beyond grateful for my mental, emotional and physical health, and my job. Not everyone can say the same. I hope that everyone can say the same. I hope that everyone I know can say the same. I hope that everyone can give back what they can.

“Excuse me miss. Yes you. I think you’re really pretty and I want to take you on a date.” Just happened on the Q train. YEAH I STILL GOT IT. =p

You’re not hot love. Even though you think you are.

Quote of the weekend “You’re actually a lot nicer than you look.” Story of my life, but I am also just as mean lol…silly people…

Just met Kris Humphries kind of an asshole.

Miley Cyrus is as punk and funk as my vomit. Please disappear with your fake ass blonde hair, literally a year ago you were twirling around in gowns. Poser.

Easy Shan.

Daniel Craig, yup James Bond was literally right next to me as I finished my work out and he started his. My gym is the bomb dot com.

YUP THAT’S WHERE I’M FROM. <3. [Country name] is one of the fastest growing travel & tourism economies in the world. [Port name] is a luxury yacht marina and adjacent waterfront in [City name, Country name] [Picture of said area]

Late to the gym but at least I’m going.

I just can’t with Miley Cyrus. Remember ‘Party in the USA’…"and the Jay-Z song was on " once released she on numerous occasions claims to have NEVER HEARD a Jay-Z song. And now she’s showing up at rap concerts twerking and shit? You are not talented enough to share a stage with either Pharrell or Robin Thicke. UGH. Solid example of girls just wanting attention and being fake. No thanks!

Girls wanting attention? HYPOCRITE WARNING. And that’s a fucking great song by the way.

Fucking hell.

The bit about paying for the ‘mentally challenged’ (as she calls it) person’s breakfast as a sort of gratitude for her not being ‘mentally challenged’ is the worst.

[quote=“farmerinthecity, post: 789677, member: 24”]Fucking hell.

The bit about paying for the ‘mentally challenged’ (as she calls it) person’s breakfast as a sort of gratitude for her not being ‘mentally challenged’ is the worst.[/quote]

Difficult to tell with the wheelchairs ones innit?

[quote=“farmerinthecity, post: 789677, member: 24”]Fucking hell.

The bit about paying for the ‘mentally challenged’ (as she calls it) person’s breakfast as a sort of gratitude for her not being ‘mentally challenged’ is the worst.[/quote]

She sounds like a lovely person. :slight_smile:

[quote=“farmerinthecity, post: 789677, member: 24”]Fucking hell.

The bit about paying for the ‘mentally challenged’ (as she calls it) person’s breakfast as a sort of gratitude for her not being ‘mentally challenged’ is the worst.[/quote]
I hated the umbrella rant more. So much venom about nothing.

I couldn’t really follow that bit (apart from the bit at the end).


And she thought she should be getting a medal for it. As if she did a good deed.

Cunting whore.

Did she go on the date with the rapist on the train? :slight_smile:

[quote=“farmerinthecity, post: 789681, member: 24”]I couldn’t really follow that bit (apart from the bit at the end).


As I understand it - she was nice to someone, then sometime later someone wasn’t nice to her. I don’t think the guy with the kid was with her for the second part.

Thanks for explaining that. :slight_smile:

I think the worst part for me is that she was too fucking lazy to log Kris Humphries and Daniel Craig in the celeb spotting thread.

I’ve never heard of Kris Humphries.

I think she makes some valid points.

They probably wouldn’t be classed as spots. :slight_smile:

Did some guy actually say to her to close her umbrella and give it to him? Or have I got it arseways?

I don’t know. The writing was so bad I got lost.