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Whats a tundra?

From what I can remember from my geography classes along time ago a tundra was a frozen wasteland, I could be wrong though.

The plains close to the arctic circle.


briantinnion that bint’s posts hurt my brain.

I think that’s what she is saying.

I find it very hard to believe that someone would shout at a randomer ordering that she closes her umbrella and gives it to him - even in New York.

But what has a tundra to do with being caught in the rain on street in New York. Is this some sort of local lingo?

yeah i agree withyou taz it’s strange, i just presumed she meant cold day or blizzard ultimately it’s a fialing on her behalf…perhaps she is mentally challenged.

I am beginning to lean that way myself, I was thinking it when she was delighted some weirdo was shouting he wanted to take her on a date on the train. :slight_smile:

I can’t believe ye spent nearly 2 pages talking about some thick American simpleton & her umbrella. :eek:

it shouldnt be too hard to believe carryharry the evidence is in plain view.

As opposed to the usual mature conversations on here?

Get the fuck.

briantinnion, you know the rules… Please post a picture of this lady.

[quote=“briantinnion, post: 789674, member: 6”]Been meaning to post these for a while but never got around to it. Anyway, they are all from the same bird, she’s not a Facebook friend of mine but she is of one of my mates and he passes these on to me as he knows the cunt drives me mental. All spelling and grammatical errors are hers.

If you hate New York get the fuck out. The abrasive attitude of they people that live there is part of what makes it unique and the best fucking city in the world.

You’re not hot love. Even though you think you are.

Easy Shan.

Girls wanting attention? HYPOCRITE WARNING. And that’s a fucking great song by the way.[/quote]

A fascinating insight into the tribulations of a troubled yet brilliant mind. What country is she from out of curiosity?

Eastern Europe but she’s spent years in America and is basically American. Like myself.

You’re from Wexfordania?

She sounds hot.

Lovely part of the world.

Couldn’t help myself and put up a status cheering Australia at the end of the lions game. The amount of PMs saying dislike from girls who have had no other interest in sport in their lives is hilarious! :smiley:

They PM’d you?

Comments, a message and two whatsapps!