Social Networking Sites

Ah here, she won’t see this for a while, it might even get lost in a host of other notifications— Rock on, my friend.

I wish that were so. She’s tweeting from the plane. It has wi-fi.

[QUOTE=“Sidney, post: 936486, member: 183”]I’ve just made an absolutely cardinal error on Facebook. I was perving on somebody I’m not supposed to be perving on, ie. not a Facebook friend but somebody who is a friend of a friend, somebody who very much knows who I am and knows I have always fancied her in a rather acute way. I clicked through her photos too quickly and too carelessly, clicked the wrong place on the page, and accidentally sent a request to tag one of my male friends as one of her female friends.What’s worse is that the girl I tagged as my male friend was wearing a wedding dress in the photo, as she got married at the weekend.

I’ve googled it and there is apparently no way to undo this. I am fucking morto, so I’ve deleted my Facebook page, as you do, in the hope that the tag request won’t show up.[/QUOTE]
Either fake a frape or claim a glitch, these are the only fool proof solutions to this quandry. Messaging her apologising for the frape is also an excellent “in”.

What’s her twitter handle and i’ll keep an eye on things for you??

You don’t strike me as the type that would worry about a bit of idle gossip, pal… If she can’t see the funny side well then fuck her… is she just holidaying in Oz?

Photo of the bird Sid!?

Any danger shes a cunt and would be saying it or posting something up about it? Or fuck all of that now that shes living the dream?
Also can you elaborate on the acute way statement above. Intriguing and your predicament is a constant fear of mine.

This is excellent stalking. Do you follow her on twitter or search for her every time out of interest?

Probably looks like Statto.

@Sidney, what age bracket are we talking here? This is probably the most important guide in how to proceed/how she’ll react

Sidney at home relaxing

[QUOTE=“Mark Renton, post: 936501, member: 1796”]What’s her twitter handle and i’ll keep an eye on things for you??

You don’t strike me as the type that would worry about a bit of idle gossip, pal… If she can’t see the funny side well then fuck her… is she just holidaying in Oz?[/QUOTE]
No, I’m afraid she’s gone to live the dream full-time. I haven’t even seen her for quite a few years as she lived in a different part of Ireland to me, well away from Dublin. I had given up hope of ever even meeting her again as she was in Australia before for two years and was in a relationship, but she’s now single. I’ve already made a mental decision to follow her out there, even if it’s only for a few weeks, and “accidentally” run into her. That’s probably spectacularly deluded and the chances of her thinking I’m a complete psycho are definitely greater than the chance Liverpool won’t win the league, but, hey, Liverpool make me dream, and so does she.

Three oh

You’re right, that is incredibly deluded.

This is your chance pal- Open a line, declare it a frape or front up, whatever… and the the auld… I’m actually going to be in Sydney/Melbourne/Brisbane etc in a few months, imagine that, we will have to meet up… come on now Sidney lad, you are letting her go without so mush as a fight here, pal. Step up to the plate…what’s the worst that can happen, you’ll never see her again?

And I’m the one who gets accused of telling tall tales…

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Just message her saying ‘you’re gonna be in Sydney, want sidney to be in you?’

Failing that doorstepping her thousands of miles from home should do the trick. Do it in the middle of the night too so you can update us at a reasonable hour GMT. And if it doesnt go to plan what better country to do her in and put the blame on some poor native.

I’ve now undeleted my Facebook page and the tag request seems to be gone from the photo in question.

That probably means she’s seen it and rejected it. Best course of action is to post a status proclaiming yourself a fudge packer, change your profile pic to a scrotum and then begin apologising profusely to her for the behaviour of you “mates”

In fairness I hardly expected her to accept it. I think I’ll down a couple of whiskeys instead, in fact I already have. She followed me on Twitter after I favourited a picture of her, so I’ve just favourited another one.