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deep throat veinbosis?

sorry to hear that mate, get yourself up to Qld, hit the green room and hit it hard

This forum is full of heartbreak. We need @Dirty Hands Walter to rescue us all from this gloom and make sure his romance adventure is fulfilled.


[QUOTE=“The Scouse Cafu, post: 981333, member: 2660”]The project is effectively dead. Facebook Girl has just sent me the gentlest, tenderest, most beautiful let down message in the history of womankind, as gentle, as tender and as beautiful as she is. Which is heartbreakingly, incomparably, unforgettably beautiful, the type of beauty you write songs and poetry about. A tear rolled down my cheek reading it. More than one tear, I admit.

Goodbye Facebook Girl. Now the songs and poetry I write about you, as well as an inconveniently-timed Facebook friendship and hundreds of newly-accessible photos which I am destined to pine and yearn over for eternity, are all I’ll have. I don’t regret a thing about this crazy, misguided project. I don’t regret the drunken love letter I wrote you in 2002 on your last night on my grandmother’s road in Galway. I don’t regret the €70 I even more drunkenly spent in Faller’s on a necklace which I ran to give to you moments before you got the bus back to Ulster. I don’t regret anything. Goodbye Facebook Girl, I’ll never get over you. Goodbye, most likely forever.


And now I have 11 cunting days to kill, arsing around like a fucking eejit. I want to go home now. :mad:[/QUOTE]

At least you tried mate, as hard as it is to accept it, it would be even harder if you were sitting at home wondering if you had a chance. Spend the next 11 days telling Australians everything thats wrong with their country and society.

[QUOTE=“The Scouse Cafu, post: 981333, member: 2660”]The project is effectively dead. Facebook Girl has just sent me the gentlest, tenderest, most beautiful let down message in the history of womankind, as gentle, as tender and as beautiful as she is. Which is heartbreakingly, incomparably, unforgettably beautiful, the type of beauty you write songs and poetry about. A tear rolled down my cheek reading it. More than one tear, I admit.

Goodbye Facebook Girl. Now the songs and poetry I write about you, as well as an inconveniently-timed Facebook friendship and hundreds of newly-accessible photos which I am destined to pine and yearn over for eternity, are all I’ll have. I don’t regret a thing about this crazy, misguided project. I don’t regret the drunken love letter I wrote you in 2002 on your last night on my grandmother’s road in Galway. I don’t regret the €70 I even more drunkenly spent in Faller’s on a necklace which I ran to give to you moments before you got the bus back to Ulster. I don’t regret anything. Goodbye Facebook Girl, I’ll never get over you. Goodbye, most likely forever.


And now I have 11 cunting days to kill, arsing around like a fucking eejit. I want to go home now. :mad:[/QUOTE]

Sorry to hear that mate. Better to have stalked and lost than to have never stalked at all.
Don’t waste the last 11 days moping. You’ve been freed now that you know definitively. Time for the next opportunity

Did I disappoint you or let you down?
Should I be feeling guilty or let the judges frown?
'Cause I saw the end before we’d begun,
Yes I saw you were blinded and I knew I had won.
So I took what’s mine by eternal right.
Took your soul out into the night.
It may be over but it won’t stop there,
I am here for you if you’d only care.
You touched my heart you touched my soul.
You changed my life and all my goals.
And love is blind and that I knew when,
My heart was blinded by you.
I’ve kissed your lips and held your hand.
Shared your dreams and shared your bed.
I know you well, I know your smell.
I’ve been addicted to you.

P.s. bang her mate

I think I’m just going to walk up to the Cock ‘N’ Bull in a few minutes, where she was last night, get sloshed until closing time, and walk home.

I was going to go to the Manly-Wests Tigers match, but that plan is now gone by the board due to me sitting on the balcony for an hour and a half staring at the wall.

If you can’t have her then nobody else should.

Kill her, mate.

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Go find Kev.
Bask in his glory for an hour.

This is absolutely fucking gutting. When are we going to have a happy ending on TFK?

There’s no point in telling @The Scouse Cafu to move on, he needs to grieve for this stillborn relationship before he can even contemplate another woman. I know all too well how you feel pal.

Thinking of you x

Can we get some more context please, @The Scouse Cafu?

She let you down via a Facebook message, you say.

Was this in response to you sending her a message professing your underlying love for her?

Or did you stalk her in person, tell her how you felt and she bolted before responding on Facebook?

Either way, I still think killing her is probably the best course of action now on balance.

Ah fuck it anyway. Not one single positive story of romance has emerged on this board. Fair play Sid for taking that shot, took serious balls. Nothing for it now but to ride as many Aussie birds up the arse as possible in the next 11 days as a fuck you to the whole horrible thieving continent.

Just save 100 quid a month and bang a brass from now on. Take a bluey and destroy her. You won’t want to bother about relationships after you get that out of your system on a monthly basis.

A lot of proponents of brazzers on the board. A lot of failed romance stories too. Any connection I wonder…


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[QUOTE=“The Scouse Cafu, post: 981333, member: 2660”]The project is effectively dead. Facebook Girl has just sent me the gentlest, tenderest, most beautiful let down message in the history of womankind, as gentle, as tender and as beautiful as she is. Which is heartbreakingly, incomparably, unforgettably beautiful, the type of beauty you write songs and poetry about. A tear rolled down my cheek reading it. More than one tear, I admit.

Goodbye Facebook Girl. Now the songs and poetry I write about you, as well as an inconveniently-timed Facebook friendship and hundreds of newly-accessible photos which I am destined to pine and yearn over for eternity, are all I’ll have. I don’t regret a thing about this crazy, misguided project. I don’t regret the drunken love letter I wrote you in 2002 on your last night on my grandmother’s road in Galway. I don’t regret the €70 I even more drunkenly spent in Faller’s on a necklace which I ran to give to you moments before you got the bus back to Ulster. I don’t regret anything. Goodbye Facebook Girl, I’ll never get over you. Goodbye, most likely forever.


And now I have 11 cunting days to kill, arsing around like a fucking eejit. I want to go home now. :mad:[/QUOTE]
In time you will realise that this is the best thing that ever happened to you. Anytime you got close to another women, you would always be thinking about the possibilities with facebook girl and whether she felt the same way too.

You are now free to embrace new relationships without any nostalgia. The world is yours now, make of it what you will.

get out of sydney sidney

apart from yourself of course.

I think that Sidney should post up the text of the PFO message on the board. I think it is the least he could do after all the support we have given him.