Social Networking Sites

You should post up a picture of your #gainz bro

What about all these cunts that can’t even go for a run without posting the garmin update on Facebook? I never thought I’d see the day, but I only log into it now about once a week

+1. How gay

I followed a few lads I know on Instagram and I’d say 50% of the stuff cropping up is inspirational quotes, paleo recipes and goal setting stuff… You’d nearly get tired looking at them and if they actually stopped wasting on social media… they might actually take over the world.

Fuck social media. Full of faggots and women taking selfies- and @glasagusban

Why didn’t you like my picture? :mad:

Sorry hun.

“5.78 kilometre in two hours, aren’t I great” yes you fat sack of shit

Is there anyway to generate a “no to equality” profile pic for Facebook?


The only good thing about Facebook is Tinder and looking up tramps.

Wasn’t I having a look at the facebook a while ago and i’ve liked a Limerick’s done deal type page where cunts post up shite for sale… I meant to unlike the thing yonks back as it is mainly scumbags selling flourescent dresses and the likes… anyway, who pops up selling something but only April Collins, selling a dress… so off I went for a look… to be fair, the body is noble. The amount of fake tan, not so much… Some of her ‘friends’ are interesting… Some proper creeping :clap:


Great to see that we don’t really need courts of justice anymore thanks to Facebook. All you need to do is post a video with your side of the story and if it goes viral you win.

TFK is now social media and I despise social media.

Well done @Rocko, you’ve made me gate TFK.

Whats this now?

Think I know what you’re referring to. I heard the audio on Tuesday night as the good lady was watching it on her phone beside me. I leaned in to have a look and said to her, “That’ll be all over, and those sites tomorrow.” And so it was.

Domestic abuse issue. The victim has posted a video to Facebook about it and this has led to trial by social media for the alleged aggressor. His name, picture and details of his business have been published by the Independent.

I have sympathy for the victim but the lynch mobs* need to calm down and show a little respect for the judicial process.

*Only realised after I typed that how fitting the phrase is.

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Yes, I know of the video you speak, I didnt bother my hole watching it, but I’m not surprised.

Still, if he hit her, he can have little recourse, this is the modern age, the digital age, the social media age. Everything is news.

You’d see all sorts of shit being posted and shared now and if you were malicious enough to create a false rumour you could destroy someone.

Posting up a picture with “This man approached my kids yesterday and tried to lure them into his car. Does anyone know this scumbag?”