Social Networking Sites

Can’t see the point in this, very few people would have a photo you can wank to on linkedin anyway.

do you login to linkedin with wankerous intent only to be foiled by the godawful profile pics ?

I know. You told me that 3 posts ago. But you misunderstood what I said, bud.

It’s uncool to retweet praise but tards like Guillem Balague and Graham Hunter do it when some gimp tweets them to say they enjoyed a book/article of theirs. Similarly I think it’s weird when people endorse each other on LinkedIn. @Horsebox, any thoughts on this?

Sorry mate, I gave up on linked in sometime last year. Constant emails from young recruitment staff… “I have this exciting opportunity for you”.

Re: LinkedIn - for free users if you allow other people to see that you have visited their page then you can see who has visited your page. Be careful with your creeping guys.

I never did, but I noticed you’d be hard pushed to manage one on there.

It’s weird and needy and ridiculous, pal. Endorsed by people you don’t know you for things that have nothing to do with your job. LinkedIn is a fucking cunt of a thing.

On a slightly related note, a friend of mine was asked for all of his social media login details at the 2nd round interview stage by an American MNC a few weeks ago. He told them to get fucked obviously and withdrew from the process but is this something that is becoming common?

Had my LinkedIn profile endorsed by a current Armagh player. :eek:

[QUOTE=“Horsebox, post: 1116980, member: 1537”]
On a slightly related note, a friend of mine was asked for all of his social media login details at the 2nd round interview stage by an American MNC a few weeks ago. He told them to get fucked obviously and withdrew from the process but is this something that is becoming common?[/QUOTE]

I would guess that its illegal to request this…

[QUOTE=“Horsebox, post: 1116980, member: 1537”]It’s weird and needy and ridiculous, pal. Endorsed by people you don’t know you for things that have nothing to do with your job. LinkedIn is a fucking cunt of a thing.

On a slightly related note, a friend of mine was asked for all of his social media login details at the 2nd round interview stage by an American MNC a few weeks ago. He told them to get fucked obviously and withdrew from the process but is this something that is becoming common?[/QUOTE]
:eek: WTF?! Surely you could complain that process.

‘Nigel has a work anniversary! Celebrating 2 years at KPMG. Say congrats!’

Get fucking fuckety fucked.

[QUOTE=“Spidey, post: 1116987, member: 289”]‘Nigel has a work anniversary! Celebrating 2 years at KPMG. Say congrats!’

Get fucking fuckety fucked.[/QUOTE]

Simon has endorsed you for ‘Interpersonal Skills’.

Does Simon actually know who the fuck he is dealing with here?

It’s not illegal in Ireland. It is in the US.

[QUOTE=“Horsebox, post: 1116980, member: 1537”]It’s weird and needy and ridiculous, pal. Endorsed by people you don’t know you for things that have nothing to do with your job. LinkedIn is a fucking cunt of a thing.

On a slightly related note, a friend of mine was asked for all of his social media login details at the 2nd round interview stage by an American MNC a few weeks ago. He told them to get fucked obviously and withdrew from the process but is this something that is becoming common?[/QUOTE]

That’s pretty concerning.

Check out this interesting article on work and social media:

It’s talking about how saying something on social media (without mentioning work or your employer specifically) could result in disciplinary proceedings.

It’s basically the contradiction between freedom of speech and whether something you say could be deemed to be contrary to the employer’s values.

Or something.

[QUOTE=“Bandage, post: 1116992, member: 9”]That’s pretty concerning.

Check out this interesting article on work and social media:

It’s talking about how saying something on social media (without mentioning work or your employer specifically) could result in disciplinary proceedings.

It’s basically the contradiction between freedom of speech and whether something you say could be deemed to be contrary to the employer’s values.

Or something.[/QUOTE]
There have been a number of cases before the Labour Court in the last few years and there will be a lot more to come until they legislate for it. One case of a girl who rang in sick and then posted on Facebook that she was hungover and fooled her dickhead boss comes to mind. She was sacked and it was upheld by the LC. I know many companies creep on Facebook and Twitter or whatever but that’s the 2nd time I’ve heard of somebody being asked for their login details. Completely over the top from any employer to do this.

By The World I presume you mean you

Of course @Fran. What else would I have meant?

Seems to practically be a requirement on Facebook to use an app to generate a profile picture with a ‘Yes to Equality’ or ‘Straight up for Equality’ plastered across it at the moment. Fuck sake.

Instagram is a real fuck face of a thing altogether but appears to be really popular.