There are now a couple of alternative styles available for your selection. All should work well on mobile devices are on the full screen.
The new alternatives are:
TFK Stadium: The default view of this is using the same background we used to have on an old skin so it might look familiar. But it has an option on the right hand side (the little paintbrush icon: ) that allows you to choose a background. At the moment the images are of Croke Park (#2) and Celtic Park (#3 and #4) but I’m open to changing them a bit if anyone has any better ideas.
TFK Subway: This is just a plain old skin.
Anyone got any comments or suggestions on either of these let me know. I may eventually make one of them the default skin - I like the TFK Stadium style.
Oh and I may as well add a poll here to see which is most popular so answer that too please.
Aesthetically, Stadium is nice and so is Subway (to a lesser extent). However, both are cumbersome and unwieldy to read and interact with in a practical sense. They could do with being condensed a little bit
As in the width of the pages. I’m on a widescreen laptop, and posts are quite horizontally cumbersome (ie too wide to read at ease) with Stadium and Subway