Spanish Civil War Mark II

What has that got to do with Spain or me ?

The Spanish prime minister is a prize fool. His sledgehammer to a nut approach is playing right into the secessionist’s hands.

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It’s unreal that the right wingers are too thick to see this. The same sort of people who thought Motorman and Bloody Sunday were great victories. I think they get so aroused by guys in uniform beating people up that they lose all perspective.

Rajoy is the weak man’s idea of a strong man.


The great victory in Selma that ended the Civil Rights movement

There’s definitely a closeted sexual deviant or sexual inadequate element to it, there always is with fascists and closet fascists.

Fascists get particularly turned on by batons. They serve as a substitute for something else they’re lacking.

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What Puigemont did was the equivalent of the IRA trying to call of truce after Bloody Sunday.

How so? They are fighting a political battle and continue to fight it. Why do you think Madrid have imposed direct rule?

He had them on the ropes. He needed to give them an ultimatum, two days to offer a proper referendum or else we declare independence. That way he’s covered from criticism that the vote wasn’t conducted properly etc.
Rajoy wouldn’t have allowed it and would have looked like the problem. He would have declared independence and been locked up and the cause would have had its hero and a rallying point.
Instead he bottled it and lost the momentum they had. He’ll get another chance though, Rajoy is too thick not to offer him one. He’d rather be seen as tough on separatists than actually take any steps to keep the country together

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Because they sense weakness after his speech last week. They had Madrid on the ropes after the election, violence etc, but instead of pushing home the advantage he made a half arsed declaration of independence and completely lost the momentum. My man in Barcelona said their was a serious deflation in the crowd after it.

Rajoy going to town on these clown and putting manners on them

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The Oirish love it when another imperialist power keeps a nation down as it hides their own shame.
What’s going on in Spain is the same as went on for 40 years in the last century- fascism.
Free Catalonia

It’s a fuckin shakedown by the catalans …plain and simple. …they think they invented football too the wankers. .

Holy shitballs!

Should have done it a few weeks ago of they were going to do it

We won, again … We have toppled a UCD student’s Union president and the Spanish government in one day! Huzzah.

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Rajoy has ran rings around your man since the vote. He’d want to size back the initiative now.

My man on the ground is saying that many companies are leaving Catalonia as a result of all this… They will be poor, but free from Spanish tyranny

Catalonia will be great again.