Sport on TV today

Anything on TV today?

Nothing on so.

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@carryharry bought a new couch for it

Is there not rubby on?

No. Tour matches starting next weekend. Last of the leagues were finished off with top 14 final last nt

Playing the Māori team midweek and then the test series starts against New Zealand next Saturday. Not a vintage all-blacks team so actually winning a game over there may be a reasonable ambition this time. Although we’re not as good as the media think either.

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Ta was thinking the NZ tour had started.

Anything on the box this evening?

My beloved Georgia Bulldogs v Kentucky

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Lovely… Ima gonna grab a few bottles of Leffe first.

It’s been an awful day for couch potatoes without an interest in parochial GAA championships or rubby.

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Big auld weekend of it.



Must be the worst weekend of sport of the year this weekend. Totally depressing stuff.

Yer man seems to be gone on the missing list since?

Its a weekend for pointing the car towards Newry.

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The42 do the best ‘what sport is on the weekend’ find it very useful

A great weekend to get out and do something active.

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