Sporting Collapses

Not in Croke Parkā€¦

Wexford vs Dublin football in 2010

Limerick v Offaly 1994.

Ac Milan v liveRpool 2006.

Fucks sake

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A team can be very vulnerable when they have had the momentum and plenty chances to build up an unassailable lead and fail to do so. Liverpool should have been at least 2 or even 3 up at the break, and could then afford to play defensively, but being pegged back when they felt they should have had the game won can be demoralizing. Galway 2012 drawn final and 2015 are examples, had a good stretch of dominance but failed to put scores on the board. You need to put the boot on your opponentā€™s throat when you get your chance.

A wall at the Heysel Stadium, 1985.

im not so sure we can call this a collapse per se
they were only 1 up and the game was tight, ill be captain obvious here but its not like say 94 and Limerick well up going into the last 10 or Milan 3 up and cruising in 05
Liverpool have a lack of gumption, thatā€™s kloppā€™s fifth successive final loss also
what happened with Moreno at the beginning of the second half for their goal was a game changer, but you could see signs in the first half where Seville had potential,
Milner was an absolute headless chicken in the first 45, i dont think he touched the ball in the second half, occasion got to him i think and also, once Seville scored the blood and thunder high octance approach in the first half he adopted wasnt working as he had to get out and try and play, a very average player who was badly exposed, it was no suprise to see Lallana go missing.
But, Seville were no mugs, Tony Cottee was lethal up front and should have scored with that bicyle kick after half hour
sporting collapse?? im not having it hereā€¦ blatantly not good enough is the answer

Liverpool again next seasonā€¦

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Jordan spieth 2016 masters and Rory mcilroy 2011 masters.

Bandage was talking about sports. A collapse in golf is like pissing on your leg after one too many, and bears no resemblance to a whole team shitting themselves like Kloppoā€™s Klopphoppers today.


Maybe Sevilla had the breeze in the second half ?

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Superb analysis

I saw that Coke fella pick a few blades of grass and throw them up in the air as he was going up for the toss, obviously knew about the old schoolboy soccer trick of always playing against the wind uin the first half.

Niche I know butā€¦

Peter Oā€™Keeffe playing the final of the South here, beaten finalist last year and with a Walker Cup spot on the line; finishes with three double bogeys on 16/17/18 including a drive OB on 17 and a second shot OB on 18 to lose by one hole