Sporting Conspiracies

Korea 2002 is the most obvious, I think you’d have to be a bit slow to argue there was no conspiracy there but if someone wants to go into the merits of it, then I’m here.

One my mind was cast back to recently was the Khan-McCloskey fight, the stoppage here stank to the high heavens. Khan may have been winning the fight comfortably but he was being made look really uncouth in there and he was expending a lot of energy and throwing a lot of punches but not showing any sign of hurting McCloskey, what’s more than that he was showing visible signs of tiring at the end of the 5th round, taking in huge breaths and this was commented on by the commentary team that night.

The stoppage itself was weird, the cut was never enough to stop a fight, it wasn’t in a particularly dangerous area, it wasn’t a particularly bad cut. McCloskey said in the aftermath that the doctor entered the ring without any invitation from the referee. McCloskey’s corner was also not consulted on the cut which would usually be the normal course of action in the event of cuts or swelling that may prevent the fight going on.

The final reason for my grave concerns was the post fight press conference, the McCloskey team was not offered any sort of input in this. It seemed to be a Golden Boy cover up hatchet job where they meekly tried to brush any sort of controversy under the carpet, I always despised De La Hoya but that just summed what a sneaky little snide cross dressing wanker he is. Khan also managed to make himself look like a more delusional and graceless bastard that possibly imagined.

I don’t think McCloskey would have won the fight if it continued but I believe the longer the fight went on the more the conditions and parameters were becoming favourable to him, he was losing rounds but he was frustrating Khan who was visibly fatiguing and becoming a bit more rash in his work whereas as McCloskey was looking very steady, calm and fresh in his fight plan. Further to that, Khan was being made look very average against a guy with a pretty mediocre record and someone he was expected to blitz, there were big fights being touted for Khan at this time and this kind of performance furthered to the fact he could possibly lose to a unheralded journeyman fighter were an alarming concern.

yep, korea 2002 for sure

Boxing in general is rotten to the core. We could be here all night talking about the dodgy decisions and skulduggery that goes hand in hand with it.

Roy Jones was robbed in seoul in 88

De La Hoya also had fights stolen off him… Trinidad

Fred Tiedt was robbed of gold by the commies in the 1956 Melbourne welterweight final. The list is endless.

I heard of a disgraceful one where a shitheap hurling club in wexford fielded an overage player to win an under 10’s or 12s title. I believe the banger scored all his team’s points too.

Heard one before about a county hurling team that backed the opposing team in a national league match and made a few quid for drinking money after.

Isn’t that a sporting myth rather than a conspiracy?

Wasnt Korea the World Cup where Maldini was out leaped by a midget*

*small person


In a totally unrelated incident, didn’t Mattie Forde once score a hat trick in a league game against Galway?

A conspiracy of a myth wrapped up in an enigma, fitzy.

[QUOTE=“myboyblue, post: 1116404, member: 180”]Interesting.

In a totally unrelated incident, didn’t Mattie Forde once score a hat trick in a league game against Galway?[/QUOTE]
He scored four goals in that game in Salthill.

That time Maradona played basketball

Supposedly Cantona once took Viagra and lobbed Seaman from 40 yards.

[QUOTE=“myboyblue, post: 1116404, member: 180”]Interesting.

In a totally unrelated incident, didn’t Mattie Forde once score a hat trick in a league game against Galway?[/QUOTE]

Tommy Joyce also missed a handy free to win a league game against Dublin in Parnell Park in the early noughties.

He still scored a hat trick though right?

Anything to do with UFC

Weren’t the Tipperary lads fall over each other one year trying to get the ball to Eoin Kelly so he could score the first goal

The Waterford Eoin Kelly scoring the first goal in a club match a few years back when the opponents backs parted like the Red Sea in front of him.