Sporting icons falling out

Charles Barkley and Michael Jordan.

I think Jack and Bobby Charlton fit the bill here. The Bobby lad, like all who’d suckled the Man Utd teat, morphed into somewhat of a cunt, albeit a Thatcherite version.


A member of the '93 (player A) and another member of the ‘93 team. During the team holiday the girlfriend of one prominent team member was discovered enjoying a passionate embrace with a young sub. Words were exchanged, the offended party demanded satisfaction, men restrained other men and the young buck was got offside for his own safety.
The prominent team member uttered a firm oath, a challenge was issued and time and place were specified. He and his brother then retreated to their shared bedroom to await the hour. The rest of the team retired to the pool bar to drink pints and discuss the matter. Eventually it was decided that player A should act as a peace envoy, him being a rising star in legal circles etc. What happened during the peace mission is disputed but when A reported back to the group he didn’t waste his moment in the spotlight. He basically took the almighty piss, describing a situation which drew heavily on a scene from the godfather where vito corleone sat in a darkened room while listening to the requests of his people. A said he pleaded for the lads life, “Godfather, the boy is young, he is foolish, he meant no disrespect, he is from a good family, he kicks off both feet and is flying in training.” he was warming up nicely when someone realised that the two brothers’ bedroom had a balcony overlooking the pool and they were listening to every word.

Incidentally, lads like @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy believe that brolly hid against down in 94. The reality is that he showed for plenty of ball but he just wasn’t getting it. Them’s the breaks.


Brolly shit himself when Down brought on a new man and he got roughed up, didn’t want to know about it after.

I died a little waiting for the punchline on that.


If you think that was bad then you should have seen what happened to Tyrone when they ran up against meath

What Meath did was GBH.

Brolly was just roughed up. I think that’s why Brolly only won one AI, he didn’t have the heart for the battle.

Wtf would a lad from a county full of cheats and perverts know about heart. No offence like.


theyre all harte and no heart

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Exactly. Sure Loughnane was on RTE straight after the game saying how that Clare team were going to dominate hurling for the next 5 years

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I know. That’s why I’m able to talk about heart whereas you don’t know the first thing about it.

You think the likes of cavanagh would have won anything without cheating and diving?


Yes. I doubt Derry would have won without diving and cheating though, diving to get poor Tony Davis the line.

Romario and Edmundo.

Ruby Walsh and Annie Power


Grrrrrrr…Memorable if for the wrong reason.

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Jordan and Isiah
Tonya and Nancy
David Herity and Brian Cody

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“Isn’t it very strange that at the start of this year one of the big pundits in RTÉ wrote that there was no more room for the Joe Deanes in hurling anymore”

That just sums loughnane up…always watching and waiting to have a dig at someone no matter how long he has to wait…the level of seethe in ‘big pundits in Rte’ …

Relax with the horsey horse lads, any minute now one of youse will post up some midget horse bater and his horse.

Success at minor level is the only guarantee.