Sporting icons falling out

I think we’ve exceeded the quota

Fine, we can get rid of @gg90qdxwb

It’s more of the @balloobasluvsbeer type we need

He burned too bright

Maxi Lopez and Mauro Icardi.

Bradman was so a cunt to Harold larwood

Lothar Matthaus & Stefan Effenberg

Naseem Hamed and Brendan Ingle

Ricky Hatton and his trainer Billy Graham

Ferguson and Stam (fucking stupid)

Glenn Hoddle and LeTissier

Glenn Hoddle and Gazza

Alan Shearer and Ruud Guilit

Shearer and Bellamy

John Terry and Wayne Bridge

John Terry and the Ferdinands

John Terry and Craig Bellamy

John Terry and Ashley Cole (this week Cole said he did indeed racially abuse Anton Ferdinand that time)

The whole Dutch National Team

DeBruyne and Courtois

Don King and everyone that asked to be paid what they were owed or have a contract honoured

Bellamy was some boyo


Super player, and no fucks given ever

Daniel Alberto Passarella and long hair/homosexuals.

Carlton Cole

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Brian O’Driscoll and Warren Gatland.

Everyone and Antonio Brown

A little off topic but it’s very interesting. I don’t know if there’s much more to it but my understanding is Walsh wasn’t backed by his editors and basically gave up the chase on lance. He then done a complete flip flop and went into bed with drug cheating cyclists Ie team sky.

The only thing that crossed my mind and it may sound cuntish but did Walsh go broke or something and out of desperation he went work for team sky. It seems odd to me a fella was on a one man crusade but just packed it in and went out batting for the other side.

Bobby Charlton and his despicable treatment of Jack.

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And their mam

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Bobby’s wife’s fault

nope, all bobbys fault. he chose the wife over the family

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Looks like he’s taking a sideline cut