Sports return dates after Covid 19 shutdowns

FFS - just wonderful

Rumoured it is one of the ladies - although out there it’s hard to make the distinction

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The Ladies team would be commonly known as The Dogs of War


There’s been social distancing at county cricket for years.


Snooker is notorious for having unhealthy coughers spewing germs around the arena

Is this a thing?

This is a good decision and will mean some badly needed revenue for County boards and a chance for diaspora like yourself to see plenty of club games.

Ah right. I read that as county boards being able to screen county games that were also on terrestrial TV.
I’d only watch if my beloved RHN were involved.
I’d imagine it’ll be two lads with iPhone 4 's and a dirty hanky for if it’s raining, wan behind the sticks, and wan standing on the roof of the dugout. Very like tg4 really.

Are ye riddled with it @glenshane?

I had it in December. If someone had told me it was fatal I most likely would have been killed by doctors.

Passed the Gaultier grounds there earlier and there was a camogie match on. I was so desperate I nearly stopped to watch it.

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The keeper dropped a ball in over her head

Gga refunding season tickets. €40 a bit mean considering cant get to a single club game

Intercounty training back as of last night.

Stop laughing down the back please @davyfitz and @dessiefarrell.

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Anyone that follows NFL can ye say what is happening there with the new season? Has it started with same number of matches as usual but all behind closed doors? What about colleges US sports?

Someone I know that follows tennis told me in April that top level tennis was in serious danger of being cancelled for remainder of 2020. I think that is back though? @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy?

How are soccer teams in England going to cope?
They obviously have massive wage bills and a lot of the lower league clubs would nearly completely reliant on gate receipts. How long before they start going bust?

The US Open concluded over a fortnight ago and The French Open is no underway.

The TV money will keep the top level clubs afloat.

The lower leagues will probably need support.