Sports return dates after Covid 19 shutdowns

Definitely. Gamechangers

Another All Ireland Hurling championship in the muck :ronnyroar:

The heartbeat of Ireland

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Hard to see the Limerick mullockers getting beat in the mud.

There’ll be a generation of young lads not having a clue how to hold a hurley if they don’t get back training soon

A generation of kids who wont get to experience the big days out in Semple Stadium or Croke Park during summer either where they can get their inspiration.

Wee bit dramatic.

Calm down mate, it’s only lads playing their hobby

Better off lads pucking a ball agin a wall than down the field running into tackle bags.

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Advantage Limerick

club ball walls prohibited. They contribute to grannicide apparently

The auld gable end will have to do.

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Peter sounds like he should keep his mouth shut.

“Dick Turpin without the mask “

Great quote in 2010

We all have masks now.

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It would seem odd that Jack Chambers allowed Peter to get this scooooooop on him.

A lot of it seems to be based on Peters own opinion more than any actual commitment from Government.

Yet again the GAA get ahead of themselves when it comes to this pandemic. I expect Tony and NPHET to slam them back down in about 2 weeks time.

From a source:

Plan from April 5th

  • Underage from minor down will be back training no matches
  • Senior inter county training pods of 15 I believe for two weeks
  • Intercounty Games start of may
  • Intercounty Championship mid june
  • All Ireland mid august
  • Adult club mid may with leagues allowed start of June