Sports return dates after Covid 19 shutdowns

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A source :grinning:


If that message was true, and its been leaked in the manner in which it has, you can be fucking sure NPHET will react later and kibosh it. Once again the GAA will have fucked itself.


I think people are strongly expecting kids outdoor sports back in April.

It’s relatively low risk and will buy them a bit more goodwill, I expect, so they’ll allow it.

I don’t know how reliable Damien Lawlor is but he had it last night that GAA can resume for club players and soccer rugby at amateur level can resume training from 12th April in the North. I imagine there would be uproar if we didn’t get going until 5 or 6 weeks later.

Damien Lawlor has fucked us

It seems odd that youngsters can sit in a class with 30 other kids for 6 hours a day but can’t kick a bit of football outdoors with a few pals in the evening


There’s going to be anarchy in April with Sport back/Outdoor dining in the 6 counties and ourselves then tipping and tapping in our 5km.

Rightly or wrongly though we are miles behind the North vaccination-wise so I guess they cant really open too much bar construction, schools back and juvenile sport. Over 65’s are nowhere near getting a first dose here yet.

That’s why everything and I mean EVERYTHING should be focused on the vaccine roll out. Yet we have journalists at the NPHET briefings fooling around asking about ‘bubbles’ and quarantine nonsense.

Once vaccines are in arms, then there is nothing more we can do except get on with it, so that’s why the roll out should be the first, second, third and fourth item on every news bulletin…


Will we still have to sanitize the footballs :rollseyes:

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They’re all pointing fingers and trying to outdo each other.

Outdoor underage training will be back from 5th April, inter-county squads will also return to training.

Non contact training and the kids wrestling before and after.


Morto for @TreatyStones

fuck intercounty. its a load of nonsense .and should be last of everyone
kids should be allowed back ASAP and fellas playing club gah and junior soccer
kids are playing already anyhow

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I’d be surprised if that doesn’t end being very accurate.
They have to let kids sport back from April and I’d be amazed if IC training isn’t allowed back.
They’ll also allow golf and tennis back.


Any word on outdoor pubs

You can forget about indoor or outdoor pubs.


Bottom of the priority list I’d say.

Mid June according to my sources.

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