Sports return dates after Covid 19 shutdowns

The kids are surely playing soccer matches or whatever at lunch time anyway or has that been outlawed too?

The club GAA season for adult grades is pushed back now anyway so it’s not really effecting it at the moment

No ball sports allowed in school playgrounds for years.

Insurance. Innit.

Really? And we wonder why there’s issues with obesity

That was solved quickly

Playing foorball in PE

Yes we were malnourished and the brothers chased us around the yard with sticks. I’m like a whippet.


There isn’t a blade of grass left on the green near me from young fellas playing impromptu soccer football games on it, so tis all the one really.

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What? What kind of Nazi Concentration Camp are you sending your kids to ffs? My nephews and nieces all allowed run and play on the yard

The Midweek game could be making a return.


Class. Anything that helps break the monotony is to be welcomed

National Leagues to start on the 8th of May apparently.

5 games each and the top 2 will contest the final.


What then?

Break for club season, resume in September


Do these clowns not realise the league is a waste of time?

Its not though

This is wrong from what I’ve read. All Ireland Finals in August

Great - me and my mates have been crying out for when league games would return and had it as our no 1 priority

Jesus I’ve missed the league