Sports return dates after Covid 19 shutdowns

I was looking at the Germans plans to return to playing sport. They are talking disinfecting the pitch before a game during half time and afterwards among other bizarre stuff. I can picture the gaa having an auld Lad with a slurry tanker disinfecting the pitch.

Summer football. Beer gardens. Way hey

Footix unaware we already have summer football



Will LOI be back this summer mate ?



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Great to hear mate. If you’re coming up to Oriel, let us know. Kennedy’s across the road from the train station is grand for a pint, if the pubs are back open

Dundalk will be the only team left in a few months

Hopefully not. We need a LOI

It aint looking good for alot of clubs. Dundalk have a bit of backing the likes of Pats and Rovers could be in trouble

The All Ireland League will happen after this. There won’t be enough left for a league in the Republic

Loads of clubs will be fine. The players will have it tough


The thing that recks my head is Limerick have the players now to win and AI and another year gone . We need to take the chances when we have the players

cc @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

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The reality is there wont be a vaccine any time soon if at all. That’s a sad truth.

There’s two options - All sport stays on hold for at least 2-3 years when herd immunity has transpired or a vaccine developed, or you find a way to play it behind closed doors.

Calling off the GAA season, or looking to void the premier league … that’s fine and life comes first. But do you think the EPL will be good to go in August then to start afresh? Do you start it then and void it again? and keep voiding seasons? or figure out a way to play an elongated season?

The GAA the same, the summer wont be long passing - clubs have an even lesser chance of playing than county - you could cobble together and cocoon a group of inter county lads (tho not all players) for a straight knockout comp - there’s too many variables with club players so not a hope you run off club in September/October or any time soon … then it’s new year and when inter-county league is supposed to be starting… another cancellation? And then magically kick off the championship in May? Not a hope …

The stark reality is any, and all sports, need to be working on a plan to run off their comps over a longer than normal period if they are given the go ahead to play. But There’s no point even starting a comp if there’s a possibility of not finishing it …

How long will pro clubs play players? Sponsors pay clubs? Members pay membership to GAA if no action on the horizon? tv money? …

The reality seems clear - No sport for 2-3 years or a staggered approach that might see a season run longer than normal, behind closed doors, with intervals of 14-20 days between games. But How do you justify testing players regularly tho? Currently you cant and we may not be in a place to do that for over a year, so again - you’re running into next summer at least…

If lads think they can just move on to next season and everything will be magically back to normal they are deluded. It’s looking like 2 years without sports unless something miraculous happens in the mean time… The German league being brought back, which in now in doubt, and coming through unscathed might offer some hope.


It’ll all be grand mate

Agree apart from the “trying to” and “saying they can”
Basically, unless you are a large company, with an extremely well worded insurance policy, insurance companies won’t pay out as they don’t have to.
Venues are definitively insisting on full payments the cunts.

The Belarus league is still ploughing on. Be interesting to see how that’s affecting their stats.

Football can go on behind closed doors, it’s financially strong enough to achieve this.