Spotify and other music streaming services

Amongst accountant types I’d imagine it’s very common

What kind of phone do you have? iPhones don’t support FLAC which is the format for the Amazon High Res. Androids support High Res.

High res audio is a bit irrelevant on a phone anyway, its only really noticeable with a good audio system which it sounds like you have.

I used to work in a high street retailers way back when. One of the lads who worked there on customer service was a bit dim. One of the other lads figured out if you went to this lad with something you bought there he’d refund you the full price of an item and absentmindedly neglect to include the employee discount so you’d make a 10% profit on the refund. So you’d then use the refund to purchase a better model. About half a dozen hifi refunds later over the span of a few years via this lad and as a teenager I had one of the most expensive hifis on the market and paid for it easily due to the rolling snowball of employee discounts applied. Shenanigans.

Still have it. My puppy chewed through one of the speaker cables a few months back.


You are a very dishonest person

Oh no! Am I?

Good yarn but had you any guilt over it?

Ever? Probably.

Recently? :smile:

Android, so should be OK that way hopefully

Its back again.

I’m genre fluid apparently.

And this is supposedly my top 10 songs.


Very proud of this Top 5 Artists

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I’ve always found the Foo Fighters to be bland, safe / boring, American rock.


I’ve never heard of 4 of those

Who did you place in the edgy rock category out of interest?

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Safe, bland, middle-aged.

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I’ve only heard of the last two.

Not sure about edgy pal — Joy Division, The Fall, The Clash, Iggy Pop et al.

Frightened Rabbit’s debut album is a great little album. The lead singer committed suicide this year and it may have influenced Bandage’s listening.

Proud to be genre fluid.