Spotify and other music streaming services

They are doing to their best to cancel Joe Rogan, That auld fart Neil Young can fuck off, he is irrelevant in todays worlds


They’re also trying to sell us this climate change nonsense on top of it. A lot of con artists who rely on funding are piling on JP over a few throw away comments. Afraid they’ll have their jam jar taken from them and told fuck off and get a real job.


Career intellectuals who have never worked a proper day in their lives

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He simply said that all models are based on variables and the variables you include determine result you get. Hardly controversial.


The greatest shitehawks on the planet.

Lads who want to diminish effort and risk taking.

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Excel for dummies

When have we seen excel models be so wrong?

On the point JP made, he’s correct in its impossible to make an accurate prediction but we also need to address the causes of climate change, I never thought of the effect the poorest have on the environment based on the only choices they have and carbon taxes etc wont discourage these people burning whatever fuel they can.


I’m on neil’s side in the argument about vaccines but I genuinely can’t fathom why he wants Rogan kicked off the platform because he holds a slightly alternative view.

Exploiting the naive has long been a healthy business model so hats off Neil Young.


He’s selling his music rights

Lads falling for his obvious stunt are quite naive but hats off to him


Neil Young should sell it as an NFT and go on Rogan to plug that NFTs are the future


Lads on here would be like a solar powered Casio calculator trying to divide by zero

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There’s a major difference between alternative views and alternative facts. Alternative views are fine; alternative facts, spreading misinformation, saying things that are not true, not fine.

It’s a pretty basic distinction but these days lads would rather believe what they want to believe. That’s becoming legitimate and normalised. Seriously stupid behaviour from the type of lads that do their research on Facebook and these days they aren’t even embarrassed to say it any more.

This site incidentally is becoming a refuge for oddballs and weirdos with nutcase conspiracy theorist views. Far higher incidence of them here than in society.


You know some tech bro who’s fully bought into the metaverse idea would stump up for it

What happens on Rogan is he has people with alternative views on and challenges them on theor views and asks them to back up these claims. If there is something that is clear misinformation they pull up the evidence provided. Ypu can take it how you want you can believe it or dismiss it. In contrast to MSM where they tell you this is fact without going into the evidence

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No, that’s not true. I’ve seen clips of him introducing information that’s completely wrong relating to the vaccine, information that would encourage people against the covid vaccine.

That’s the problem you see clips, without the context of the whole interview. It’s very easy to take clips from his show and use it for an agenda. Case and point is the clip of him saying 21 year old don’t need the vaccine. What everyone who used this missed is he said he was going to get it but wasn’t around, elderly and at risk people should take it and that healthy 21 year old are a very low risk. It’s all about context


Lefty loons are happy to hear what they wanna hear. They’re not interested in context.