Stage Dublinness -a Roy 🐐 Curtis education

The snug in keoghs. Id imagine hes dying to get it in and knows it’ll be packed with cunts till monday. He’ll be there by lunchtime

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Three is Nearys, of course it is


Neary is incredible at Christmas time.

I got my picture taken with Sam Maguire in there in December 2019.

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I was half thinking of having a couple in Neary’s tonight. Hopefully Roy has fucked off elsewhere by then.


I’ve gotten 2 from 3 right anyway so far.

There could be a falling out here. He visits more than 12 cathedrals in Dublin.

I as torn between guessing that or McDaids

Neary’s is NOT a session pub, and therefore not a proper pub. It’s very nice inside in its own way but it feels like the sort of place where you should be taking your shoes off before you enter. It’s like a tea rooms.


Roy’s obsession with pubs in Dublins 1 and 2 is really an attempt to placate the Muldoons, as they are not familiar with Dublin outside those areas. There are far superior “cathedrals” in Dublins 7 & 8

There needs to be a 12 pubs of each Dublin postcode. That would sort the real men from the boys.

Strongly disagree. Nearys is a great place for a heap of pints. Fine guinness.


The Guinness there is excellent but it’s a food pub and therefore not a proper pub. It’s not a place you’d want to raise your voice, not in daylight hours anyway. It has a sort of Bewley’s vibe in that it’s a sort of slice of Ye Olde Dublin which is actually sort of still Ye Olde Dublin but a large share of its market seems to the Ye Olde Dublin theme park older tourist market.

The Gravediggers is beginning to go the same way, well the lounge part at any rate, but nobody from Ireland ever goes into the lounge part.

I’d say Roy is coming under pressure from various Cathedrals looking to be included in is list of 12

Roy is not for sale

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Roy could have underestimated the size of his following here.

Certain publicans won’t be happy.

Indulgences led to the reformation. That mustn’t be allowed happen again. We don’t want a Royformation.

If it was to be established that there was corruption involved in Roy’s list it would break the INTERNET. It would be like Rory McIlroy appearing on Fox News to announce he was joining LIV. It would be like if we found out Santa Claus did not in fact exist. Nothing would ever be the same again. Nobody would ever believe in anything ever again.


Any update from Roy today, or is he giving himself a well earned weekend off?

The porter laureate may have sup at the well of porter too much last night

Roy Roy Roy



I’d love to go for a pint with Roy. That’s right towards the top of my bucket list.


“The alpha male of stout houses” how does he come up with such sentences. Special.