Stage Dublinness -a Roy 🐐 Curtis education

Jesus he’s done me there - mentioning a good pal of mine and @BruidheanChaorthainn

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12 pubs outside the Canals would be a decent one.

Actually I wonder will Roy throw in the Gravediggers’ for his first and only outside the Canals pub. It would tick a few boxes, surely the Northside won’t be consigned to an 11-1 thrashing if even for political reasons.

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Now that he has mentioned Bowes, all is forgiven. A hidden gem

That was pretend Roy not real Roy.

How could you possibly not tell the difference?

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I’d love were that real, but sadly I presume not

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Holy fuck. Roy can glide through the clouds and mix it in the gutter. A legend.


We are all in the gutter
But some of us are looking at the stars

We are all in the gutter
But one of us is in the basement


Roy can play a tune on the stars

The Swan may lose its cathedral status

Fuck sake

What can we expect the big news?

Ah no? Surely not?

I’m predicting an announcement as the first bell of the 6pm angelus rings across the fair city


Which cathedrals are left? Should be able to solve by process of elimination

I reckon he’ll call into Hugh in The Boars Head to wish the great man a Happy Christmas.

“The Capel Street Corporate Box”…

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McDaids for me

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It’s such a crap cathedral. Would only ever go there if by some happenstance Sheehans, Kehoes and Bruxelles were full. I don’t “get” McDaids.

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