Stick hurling: Parental Guidance advised

Lads, can everyone please tag @EstebanSexface on all posts going forward? He’s getting his panties in a real twist again and you’d hate to see this escalating into another full-blown meltdown.


That’s a strange thing to be thinking about but whatever helps you finish yourself off


Sounds like projection.

You’re alright with sodomy but not with homosexuality?

Do you ever stop, take a breath, and re-read your posts before hitting reply?

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“And now, ladies and gentlemen, we’re taking a left off Angry Street and heading straight down Bizarre Avenue.”

No. It’s an internet forum.

You absolute toad of a life form

“And we’re back on Angry Street.”


You need a new chauffeur

Huh? I don’t think I said I had an issue with homosexuality

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You’re the one driving kid. Your posts are like the ramblings of a lunatic.

You brought sex into it you absolute piece of shit on the bottom of my shoe.

Don’t cry when someone is willing to go farther than you

There’s something very rapey about that post. Can you point out where exactly I “brought sex into it”?

Just read your own shit man. Your latchico’s referenced it a few times after you

Fucking hell :rofl:


Jesus wept

@balbec lost control here last night.

The only one losing control was you and you were put back in your box fairly sharpish.

Wagons circled again. Well done

Lads were on it in a big way last night it seems.