Stick hurling: Parental Guidance advised

Not bad for a Tuesday…

England playing meant one or two got the lagers in

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You’ve outed a few closet England supporters there.
I only caught the last five minutes myself.

Don’t forget to tag @EstebanSexface or there’ll be blue murder.

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cc @Fran

seems the other weirdo is very confused


No need for childish insults. Go hard ffs

Kind of ironic you trying to moderate the forum and you’ve spent years abusing people, especially new lads

emoji in 3…2…1

You’ve something on your mind, it’s written all over your posting for the past 8 weeks.

Chill out ffs

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The hangover seems to be kicking in

I’ve missed a lot of posts here Harry, is it worth going back over?

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I just landed in here myself fran and it feels like we missed a bit of action last night.

Is the a summary?

Smackdowns were being dealt out in the usual manner.

I’ll have to set aside 15/20 minutes later on to catch up

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Jaysus, lots of lads lowering the blade the last 24 hrs. Tis like a club match in Laois.

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There’s no such thing as a dirty hurler.

Ollie Baker existed


You feminist bitch pussy. You haven’t a fucking clue about hurling, now keep your delicate bitch comments to yourself.


Fair play to you Mike, nail on the head there.

You need to smarten up flatballs, fucking idiot.

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