Stone Roses: 20th Anniversary

So fucking what, the lad in the spar near me thought it was great.

Because Ken is a renowned and sophisticated supporter of the arts, unlike the spar person who is relatively unknown.

Ken is a radio pundit with hours of airtime to fill. His default position is to be critical as it enables him to fill this airtime. His musical tastes and guilty pleasures are unknown, but I’d imagine they involve Morrissey.

I would say the lad from spar is completely unknown, as I made him up.

And he comes across as a bit of a tosser…

He was actually quite reticent. Ken is a big fan of the novels of Gustave Flaubert, Madame Bovary being very close to his heart.

In fairness Ken has a bit of a back story when it comes to music…

A personal favourite I must say.


hes a fucking ginger mick wallace.

What is Rintintin gone to see this weekend? I see he has photos of himself wearing wellies up on facebook, and he is not down the fields. I repeat not the fields.

He was at StabFest2012 in Phoenix Park.

[quote=“The Runt, post: 356058”]

He was at StabFest2012 in Phoenix Park.[/quote]
Theres a t shirt in that if you can put your sketching skills to work, they should be well honed after that splendid depiction of puke stroking lohan.


[font=Arial][size=3][left]Of course, if you turned away everyone who showed up hammered or with a hammer, you’d probably have had 35,000 people outside the park and 10,000 inside. This leads to a questions about general policing and containment. In many ways, a show like Saturday is a bit like [/left][/size][/font]Hamsterdam[/url][font=Arial][size=3][left] in [/left][/size][/font][url=“”]The Wire[/url][font=Arial][size=3][left], where police major Bunny Colvin took a decision to confine the drug dealers and fiends to a few city blocks in order to clean up the rest of West Baltimore. [/left][/size][/font][url=“”]Oxegen[font=Arial][size=3][left] used to always remind me of Hamsterdam when you ensured all the madness was confined to a big field in Co Kildare. Moving Hamsterdam to the Phoenix Park, then, was never going to be pleasant.[/left][/size][/font]

Thats quite good actually, maybe we could just designate Kildare to act like that for the country 12 months a year.

Tha sounds like a top idea lad

Looks like some Stone Roses news is imminent. New LP and a tour to include a few nights at the Etihad seem to be the goer.


In all fairness the gig in the Phoenix Park in2012 was only so so. I wouldn’t be rushing back.

I thought it was fantastic. Just because of the songs. The start of I wanna be adored and fools gold in particular were hair raising.

If you grew up listening to them it was real feel good music.


Stone Roses playing SSE in Belfast 13th June 2017

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30 years ago now. BBC 6 are currently playing the album in it’s entirety with interesting inserts from band members. A lot of the album was written in 1985 and 1986 and held back until they had the complete package. The cover art was inspired by a trip to the Giants Causeway.
It’s starts at an hour into the Liz Kershaw show. It’s national album day in the UK.