Summer Transfer Window 2016

+1 mate. @carryharry and @anon32894817 badly mugged off

How so?

This was your opinion of Luiz a few months ago mate

His positioning was nearly very badly exposed by Augero today. 50/50 call by the officials which could just as easily seen him sent off.

Your point/boasting would have been muted if he was sent off undoubtably.

That wasn’t a positioning error. It was a mistake by Azpiliqueta and Luiz being smart enough to not make it too obvious what he was doing. It still wouldn’t have been his fault if he got sent off, he had to stop the goal

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He was unaware of Augero’s positioning & clearly took him out. Taking him out was not my issue, his positioning & awareness was. It’s his major weakness as a Center Half IMO.

Toddle along.

It also probably wasn’t a foul.

He’s more or less held his ground with Aguero being his usual bull in a china shop and trying to charge through people.

I didn’t think it was a foul. And Aguero dropped like a stone. It annoyed me how much airtime Neville gave it afterwards.

And then flopped at the first feel of contact

His positioning is brilliant. Did you not see the amount of times he was a step ahead of Aguero when the ball went over the top and he was blocking crosses all day

His problem has always been he has a little bit of a cavalier attitude, he takes too many risks and can be a bit too aggressive, a back three allows this though, there is more cover, you can afford to be more cavalier and I also think Conte is bringing more maturity to his play.

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