Sunday Indo are Cunts Thread

I see that bellend Sam McBride is moving to the Indo/Belfast Telegraph from The Newsletter.

Does that mean Ben Lowry is now promoted to editor?


Jim had a glowing tribute to McBride which tells you all you need know.

In fairness to Jim his angle there is not what you may think. He likes McBride for his rhi work and his badgering of Ian Og who once described him as a bitter little man. I believe Paisley jnr had to give Sam a few quid afterwards

Conspiracy theorist = former journalist for Independent Newspapers.

I’m not sure what your point here is but it seems like one of those deliberately dishonest non sequiturs people come out with when they’re uncomfortable with a fact and the context of the fact being highlighted.

By 2018 it was already blindingly obvious what route O’Doherty had chosen and anybody who supported her getting a nomination for the Presidential Election has questions to answer, especially if they want to become Minister for Justice.

You don’t think it’s a bit of a mountain out of a molehill?

The Indo are quick to point out the smallest misdemeanor in any SF member but don’t seem to hold their own staff to the same checks and balances.

It’s a bit of a non-story.


That won’t stop Blue Hugh

No I don’t think it’s a molehill. It was obvious from late 2016 at the latest the direction O’Doherty was headed in and there was no question at all from early 2018 that she was a crackpot.

If you’re aiming to be Minister for Justice people are entitled to know if you supported an unhinged far right crackpot running for head of state, and for you to account for it.

People are also entitled to know what the deal is with Sinn Fein and Paddy Cosgrave. Cosgrave is actually much more dangerous than O’Doherty because unlike her he knows how to play the media game and has real influence with highly dangerous people internationally. It’s blindingly obvious Cosgrave is an agent of the same people paying Mick Wallace and Clare Daly, while maintaining a veil of plausible deniability which anybody who watches him knows is bullshit.

Did you read the story? He said he wouldnt support her now.

Simon Harris canvassed for that UUCOAM (maybe his uncle) and fraudster John Bailey but you don’t see Hugh exposing that.

Jody Corcoran, not Blue Hugh.

He supported O’Doherty being nominated then when it was obvious she was a far right crackpot.

You, and Sinn Fein don’t like this story being highlighted.

That in itself is evidence of the authoritarian bent within SF and its support.

Mate, that’s a bit of a reach

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Who are these people @Cheasty ?

It really isn’t.

Reality is already staring people in the face as to what Sinn Fein’s tactics are. Mary Lou McDonald brought a frivolous SLAPP (Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation) lawsuit against RTE because she didn’t like the truth.

They will blame and they will bully and they will shout and they will intimidate in order to get the favourable media environment they want.

People allied to Russia/China/Iran and anybody else out to bring down the post World War II western order.

People who support Russian/Chinese imperialism dressed up as “anti-imperialism”.

Why do you think he’s so closely entwined with that Russia loving fascist Chay Bowes?

Cosgrave only this week announced he’s taking his glorified pub crawl to Qatar, a place with no pubs.

Today, he feels rich.

Look we’re talking about a council that opted for racist Peter Casey over racist Gemma O’Doherty.

I’m no supporter of SF or Gemma’s crew, I’m merely pointing out the the Indo aren’t consistent in the way they hunt down politicians like this.

Do you think the Indo and media in general target SF more than other parties?

Maybe, but Casey didn’t make his racist turn until after he was nominated, about 10 days before the election, when he was polling on 1%. It was impossible to know that Casey would do what he did.

O’Doherty was already well down this road when she was seeking nominations.

You were slagging off the Indo earlier for employing O’Doherty at all. She was employed before she became a crackpot. It was impossible in 2012 to know O’Doherty would become what she did.