Super Bowl LIV - Chiefs V 49ers

Shtap. This is shaping up for an Andy Reid classic funk

Like a white Usain


shocking non call again tho.

These officials should never get a game again.

Looks like @anon61878697 picked the wrong night to stick the knife into Tom Brady

Brady Brady Brady

I hope Tom gets it done despit all the booes


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What. A. Play.

Edelman not juiced up enough tonight alas

It’s the hope that kills you. Patriots were awful again… D showed up second half tho. We’re onto 2021.

Pats fans booing Brady again here

Mahomes the first QB under 25 to win in Foxborough since 2000. Some stat

He should get the officials a few drinks to celebrate.

Amazing what happens when the game gets called square and fair

Didn’t get to see the game but only saw the score and stat. Not sure which one to believe here

Patriots got shafted

Don’t know. It’s better than they’ve played for a good while. Offence and defence both got going once they figured the chiefs out and played much better in the second half. The ref’s get some really basic calls right and they win that. Maybe it is the hope killing you, but that’s a better performance in a loss than they’ve had in some wins

Brady being boo’d by his own fans all night long is the real takeaway from this game

Patriots fans really are incredibly juvenile.

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