Super Bowl LIV - Chiefs V 49ers

Incredible. A man wins them countless SBs and yet they still make a point of booing him the odd time he has an off night

It’s deffo the hope…

A very fickle bunch. I doubt there’ll be any TFK NEP fans around here in a year or two.


They have trouble sleeping at night, most of them I’d say

They were doomed once @anon26343222 disappeared from the forum, he single handedly drove them on last season in his own maniacal way even when they were were looking like utter shit on defense all regular season. All that’s left now is a broken @anon61878697 a bemused @Gman and a fella who cheers on conference rivals! A desperate state of affairs for TFK Pats nation.

@anon26343222 won’t be seen for a while after making a holy show of himself during the TFKNFLDFFL Playoffs today.

@anon61878697 just text me there and said he brough a new puppy earlier and is calling it Pornstar Jimmy

Ive never seen a more premature celebration in all my days.

It can’t always be summer kid.

@anon61878697 is a niners fan now mate, we should forgive him for his past indescritions and welcome him into the fold. @anon61956325 as well if he chooses wisely.

Still well in there and dare I say… “We are onto Cincinnati”

You not worried he will stab Kittle on the back just like he did old Tom Brady?

nah… Not this year… They’re not going through Chiefs and Ravens let alone who ever they’d face from the NFC.

This storm is going to knock out my power any minute, may be no harm as every Seahawk game ive watched myself this season the cunts have poxed a win.

If it stays as is then Chiefs go back to Gillette in January, I know who id be backing in that one.

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We’ll give him the benefit of the doubt for now. Kittle won’t let him down anyway, he’s a warrior.

Ive an awful feeling about the Falcons game next week, corners injured and Ridley and Julio… danger here.

Falcons liable to do anything on a given week