Super Bowl LIV - Chiefs V 49ers

Yes. Every QB has hours of footage that they watch. It’s pretty standard.

Of their playcalls from their sideline? Thats not standard its cheating, and will forever taint checkdown Tom. Your failure to call it out is character revealing

Play calls are made over headsets bro … what the fuck are you on about?

Any time Rodgers or Manning went down injured and missed more than half a dozen games their teams utterly collapsed around them.

How did the patriots do the year Tom did his cruciate again?

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11 wins… So bradys wins over replacement was… 1 game maybe? Ends all argument

Is that the only year they never made the play-offs and didnt win the division?

Yeah - they sent a guy in a Pats uniform to record fellas, from miles up, talking into their head sets … good one. You could send three lads in plain clothes in with their phones and you’d get more from it ffs.

Friend of the forum Dan Orlovsky has said that every team tells their QBs to expect the headsets to malfunction when playing in Foxborough

Assume that it is just poor IT infrastructure rather than anything nefarious

Haters gonna hate.

Cheaters gonna cheat

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Winners gonna win.

Suppose it isn’t that hard to find a lad to come in and game manage and hit his check downs

See above.

I don’t see your point, the likes of Stafford, Manning Brees, Big Ben threw a lot of either screen passes or slants to highly productive players like Golden state, OBJ,Michael Thomas and Leveon Bell as opposed to just throwing checkdowns.

Throw up the stats for YAC there of those QBs over the same span

Brady doesnt/didnt have super stars like these guys bar when he had Moss and then he did untold. The culture of NE has always been about making do and getting players in on the cheap… It was built around Brady reading the D / cover and finding ways to beat you. If he had to go deep he’d go deep. If it was short passes it was short passes. He had the franchise saddled on him like no other QB. - Now, there’s no denying Belichick’s genius either - But he has nearly always forgone the offense for D / special teams…

Brady has spent his career having to play chess — he wasnt as naturally gifted as others, but the QB role aint all about your arm. In contrast, The likes of Rodgers, who is far more gifted, has spent his career playing checkers. Manning too to a degree — great lads to stack up numbers … but when the real stuff started the pure competitive animal in Brady put him streets ahead of others.

One of his greatest moments, that will never be mentioned, was going to Denver for the 2015 AFC championship game and nearly winning it. He was absolutely battered up and down the pitch for 60 mins, he might as well as had no Oline and had only a beat up Gronk as nothing else was really working and he still nearly won it after driving them down the field and failing to convert for 2… Another QB , some i’ve mentioned, would have been done long before it.

It’s ridiculously disingenuous to play up the check down Tom shit - he has beat teams every single way possible and has always done what’s best for the team above personal stats.

All of the above is what makes him the GOAT. Not the most talented, or best arm - but the GOAT nonetheless.



For a legal eagle you’re really blinded when it comes to the Pats … A supreme justice, or whatever they are called in the US, fucked the case out of court as it was ridiculous … deflategate became about Godell’s power being challenged, and that’s the long and short of it. Other teams were spying back in the day. All QBs have a preference for pressure in footballs, loads were caught tampering… Brady told Godell to fuck off and his ego couldnt take it. Brady went out and destroyed all in his path with fully inflated footballs - Driving his team from 10 down in the 4th quarter against one of the greatest defences of the modern game… come up ta fuck will ya Art.