Super Bowl LIV - Chiefs V 49ers

You were calling them “playoff rules” 5 minutes ago you simpleton :joy:

Which year did they abandon the golden goal in soccer. Another unfair rule. The over time rules are much to be fair.

That’s not really anything to do with the rule though. If the Bills had scored it would have been very unfair on the Texans

That doesn’t make any less unjust.

Like last year with the patriots and Kansas. Very unfair.

That’s the current rules

It wouldn’t. If you can’t defend when your lives depend on it, then go home. They got it done.

American football is just as much about getting it done without the ball.

Google the fucking rules jesus christ

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You haven’t a clue what its about you blowhard watch and learn stop spamming the thread with every idiotic idea you have

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Main event time.

Vrabel is the next lamb to the slaughter.

Watson got 247 passing… Line was 248 :rage:

Texans had the ball first in overtime.


3-5mph wind and 44F.

Perfect for Tiger Tom.

So a penalty shout out would be better if it was just a striker v a keeper and best of five? Maybe it’s a limerick thing that can’t understand fairness.

Do you disagree with what I’ve said?

He started watching in October. The rules are a total joke.

I’d say you started a few weeks after him, with your playoff rules :rofl: :rofl:

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Brady desreved a better welcome for his last game in Foxboro there. Limited as he was he still got the job done sometimes

Big 30yd checkdown for Tiger Tom there.

Perfect throw there.