Super Bowl LV - The triumphant trail to Tampa (Part 1)

Slightly behind Megatron on YPR. Stats can tell you what you want to see.

Worth noting that Megatron was on a 0-16 team his first season too which obviously impacted his production

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And meant he played on a team with significantly less time in possession

But a team that was probably airing it out for long stretches
DK is incredible, dropped a very easy TD pass on Monday though, possibly put off by Slay falling over

Newton missed the Kansas City game when diagnosed with Covid. The game went ahead. The game was initially slated to be postponed, however they then went ahead with it anyway on Monday instead of Sunday.

And the Denver game?

Donte Kolpepper would have been his qb for first two years, he ain’t Stafford and certainly ain’t a seasoned Russell Wilson. Seattle haven’t been a rushing side since beast retired imo .

was part of an overall reshuffle of games and bye weeks. The Patriots game against Denver was a disaster for them as they had one practice in the two weeks prior to the game. I dont think the Denver game was postponed just because of Cam, but because there was an outbreak throughout the squad and was still there for the Broncos game. Their bye week was brought forward and accounted for then, like other teams.

You’re worse…

I know, I know.

Gilmore had earlier tested positive and the game was moved from Sunday to Monday. Then Cam tested positive and the game was moved to the following week, rearranging the schedule of a number of teams in doing so.

Moving the Patriots bye week did them a favour, moving the other teams did not.

Then Denver have an issue with protocols in the QB room, which was later to be revealed that even though they were all wearing masks they pulled them down when speaking because they were standing so far apart in the large room. Additionally if the game had been moved to last night then two QBs would have been eligible to play, rather than starting a WR from the practice squad in that position.

The Ravens are getting special treatment too. The special treatment might be correct but it’d be nice if all teams were given the same courtesies.

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completely incorrect, but I wouldnt expect you to be great on facts.



You said Gilmore tested positive, and the game was moved. Then Cam tested positive and it was postponed.

Cam missed the Kansas game because he was positive. Gilmore played the Kansas game and tested positive on the Wednesday, Cam tested positive 4 days earlier.

I do apologise that I got the order of the events muddled up but it doesn’t change that fact that schedule has, so far, been reshuffled to suit the Ravens and the Patriots.

Meanwhile Denver were given no chance to move a game and put in a position where they had to put a practice squad WR in at starting QB.

Denver were being made an example of beacuse they thought the rules didn’t apply to them

There’d a difference between not thinking the rules apply to you and being too stupid to understand the rules correctly. The QBs went on a solo run and didn’t seek clearance for them all meeting together and then, when they did, presumed that they were in compliance with the COVID protocols by wearing masks, then standing the required distance away from each other.

Everything would likely have been ok if they had not held the masks down as each of them were speaking.

Look I don’t even think that the Broncos would have necessarily beaten the Saints with the QBs on board. My issue here is that the NFL are not applying the same standard to
every franchise.

Denver were being made an example of for being as thick as two thick planks

Why bring up the Patriots though? Why not the Titans? Some teams early on had games postponed and their bye week brought forward early. It therefore meant that those teams would be fucked later in the year if another outbreak happened. San Francisco were fucked as they had not had their bye week when they were made play, but I dont know would the schedule have accommodated them to change. It was easier early in the season to rearrange bye weeks, but nigh on impossible now. The steelers had their bye week also brought forward and now are being pushed out because of the Ravens. I dont understand why the Ravens game is being pushed out so much considering most other teams have been made play if they have already had their bye week.

He took umbrage with the fact I said the Patriots have suffered this year and still got on with it… First off, the patriots don’t postpone games… But as you said, they had one session in 2 weeks before taking to a game as all facilities were locked down. They also lost a few players to covid not to mind travelling and playing on the same day v Kansas. But lookit, Denver had it worse so everything else doesn’t matter

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