Super Bowl LV - The triumphant trail to Tampa (Part 1)

Kapernick/Keady/Laz 3 Sporting icons who stood up to injustice and prevailed

Mohammad Ali was another one

Undone by Christianity and forgiveness here Laz

sums it up. Drew is a person, heā€™s allowed have his opinion. Lebron, shut up and dribble.

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Thread is somewhat merging across the other threads at the moment, but this is significant too.



Very good tbf. But i would have left the slogan at I am George Floyd.

This black lives matter line while true only alienates them further from the cunts.

When I saw you responded ā€œcuntsā€ right after the heartfelt powerful video of black NFL stars, I must admit, I was surprised at your stance. then realised it was the post previous you referred to!

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Whereā€™s Belichick in that??? Heā€™s up to somethingā€¦

Nah, I think they are right. The NFL fucked Kap right up, the whole lot of them were complicit in blackballing him and he was fucked out because of his peaceful protest. You only have to look at the reaction on here at the time, when a fan of the team openly said he wouldnt support the niners anymore because of what Kap was doing until the ā€œcuntface was ran out of townā€ and that he was an attention seeking fuckwit and hoped the team he supported would lose. The amount of fans of teams, not even of the niners, who openly hated the NFL because some of the other players kneeled then too. It caused a huge division, but the NFL shut down the protests then, particularly after Trump weighed in and said they should all be fired.

It wasnt right. Players werent making a song and dance about it, Kap was actually doing it for a while before it was picked up on, but then the more the media highlighted it, the more the anger was aimed at him instead of looking at what he was trying to highlight.


I remember reading years ago about his father, apparently, and not a story told by Belichick or his father, but recounted by one of the first black naval officers in a book he wrote or that was written about him, that in Okniawa in the second world war, when this black officer walked into the officers club, all the army staff in there walked out, except Steve Belichick who said something along the lines of now we have the whole club to ourselves.

On a purely footballing qb ability level I donā€™t think CK is up to the standard at all. When he took over from Alex Smith mid season he was unknown, very quick and athletic. It soon became apparent he couldnā€™t throw, manage field position or lead however.

he was still better than a lot of starting QBs when he was turfed out, and he was absolutely better than pretty much all back ups. He was not elite, Iā€™m not sure anyone would make that case, but he was more than good enough to be a solid player on a roster, whether as a starter and absolutely as a back up

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Depends what you mean by the standard. Is he one of the top 25 QB leage, absolutely not. Is he one of the top 64 QBs in the league, I think without doubt he is capable of being a servicable back up and a stop gap/bridge starting QB.

The Lions had Jeff Driskol and David Blough starting multiple games last year. Neither were capable of playing QB at an NFL level. Kap is a couple of levels above the likes of these chaps, Nathan Peterman, Mike Glennon et al.


Def not starter material anyway imo. When you see RG3 as third string at Baltimore Iā€™d would say Kaep is about that level.

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Thereā€™s your proof, Peterman still managed to get a new team and kap couldnā€™t.

Jesus I still have nightmares about peterman

He is second string. Mcsorley the rookie was third string

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RG3 is talented enough to be a starter. Heā€™s just made of glass. You couldnā€™t rely on him to play a half a season let alone a full one. Kap doesnā€™t have those same durability concerns. Some, but a long way from that level.

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Gruden loves Nate, donā€™t be so down on him

In less than two seasons with the Buffalo Bills, Peterman appeared in eight games and made four starts. He threw three touchdowns with 12 interceptions and had a 32.5 passer rating. Keep in mind that throwing every pass into the ground earns a quarterback a 39.6 rating.
